Modern Mining January 2023
“De Beers,” says Rodel, “will use the groundwa ter in other parts of the operation and, in this way, protect the decline from water damage while also offering a solution for the excess ground water”. In preparation for an unlikely ‘Maximum Probable Flood’ event, De Beers is installing five impressive water doors designed to seal off the dry side of the mine – where the water pumps and other criti cal infrastructure are located – from the ‘wet’ side, where mining occurs. The expectation is that these doors will never be closed as the pumping systems are designed to manage most significant rainfall events, without necessitating door closures. The first water door is an imposing structure con sisting of a steel frame some 8 m high, 8 m wide and 1 m thick, and is anchored into the host rock by 40 mm steel anchors. “The water doors are the last step in containing water during a flood – they consist of a series of drain valves that control the release of water. In the longer-term, when we begin operating at the bottom of mine, the intention is to move away from water doors and mine flood stopes,” says Rodel. “In line with Anglo American’s imperative for ensuring tailings dam safety, the Venetia Mine tail ings storage facility (TSF) walls have been fortified,” he explains, adding that, “In addition to having all the checks and balances in place to ensure the TSF sur passes all safety requirements, the walls have been strengthened with waste rock to guarantee they have sufficient capacity for the life of mine.”. The diamond miner recently entered a public private partnership with the South African Weather Services (SAWS) to develop a Weather Radar system that will benefit Venetia Mine, the SAWS, and com munities across the Limpopo Province. The company has committed to funding the infra structure development of the Radar system while
According to a report by the Credit Suisse Research Institute, the world will have nearly 40% more millionaires in 2026 than in 2021. The projec tion is that, by 2024, global wealth per adult should pass the $100 000 threshold, with the number of millionaires set to exceed 87-million individuals over the next five years. This augers well for an industry reliant on the wealthy to invest in the acquisition of diamonds and jewellery. VUP drives sustainability, focuses on being water-wise and energy efficient According to Rodel, the VUP is being developed in line with sustainable business practices and underpinned by its objective of meeting its 2030 goals, which focus on climate change, water, and biodiversity. As mines consume large quantities of water, De Beers has a host of water saving initiatives planned, including a new water management system to col lect groundwater from the sidewalls of the decline before it seeps into the mining area.
Above: The first of five water doors being installed at VUP.
Centre: The project is on track to deliver an advanced automated mining operation.
The Mobilaris system will be able to geolocate any one of De Beers’ 900 employees to warn them of any safety related issues.
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