Modern Mining January 2024


reduce the threat of illegal mining activity. “With regard to safety processes," Hira contin ues, "Pan African has taken proactive measures and has conducted internal and independent exter nal audits and studies over the past two years, to evaluate its TSF management relative to the GISTM. Subsequently, independent tailings review board (ITRB) was appointed to conduct a formal audit of the Group’s TSFs. Comprised of three suitably quali fied independent members, the ITRB conducted site visits to the TSFs, followed by the issuance of an assessment report with findings being reviewed and implemented. “Pan African prioritises effective tailings dam management across its operations. At each TSF site, a competent person within the context of a recog nised tailings management company is appointed to oversee monitoring and compliance with legislation, as well as the Group’s internal codes of practice.” In line with the GISTM recommendations, Hira points out that Pan African has appointed:  an executive accountable for tailings management in June 2022  a tailings facility engineer in June 2022, respon sible for the robust management of the TSFs  Barberton Mines’ engineer of record, to serve as Evander Mines’ engineer of record. Considering that the majority of Pan African’s TSFs were constructed before the introduction of the GISTM, Hira explains that the Group has actively engaged in ongoing assessments to identify and address any compliance deficiencies to the extent reasonably practicable. “Pan African is committed to working col laboratively with stakeholders to ensure the

implementation and maintenance of statutory TSF management standards. Action plans and remedial activities identified through internal and external reviews are continually being implemented to miti gate high-risk safety and environmental concerns. With these actions, we aim to ensure safety compli ance for our mining operations, employees and the surrounding communities,” he says. Construction and impact Describing the initial phase of the project, Hira states that this involved the acquisition of properties for the construction of the plant, which has a capacity to process in excess of 800 000 tonnes/month of tailings material. “There will be nine leach tanks and related plant infrastructure, including a smelt house, which will all be highly automated. Construction commenced in July 2023 with site clearing, and it is anticipated some 300 to 400 people will be employed directly during construction. These will mainly be members of the local community, except where specialist skills are required.” All equipment and contractors will be secured locally and the overall cost is anticipated at R2.5 bil lion, much of which will be spent locally and in Gauteng. All required buildings and services will be contracted to local companies. Thereafter, the plant is expected to employ up to 500 people in the oper ational phase for the next 20 years. “Pan African has already commenced with an engagement process with representatives from both the local community and government, with regard to the needs in these communities. These will be formulated into our social and labour plans, where

The historic TSFs are being reprocessed and redeposited into modern facilities with smaller footprints in line with modern deposition standards.

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24  MODERN MINING  January 2024

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