Modern Mining January 2024

bringing in temporary power and water, and laying down the necessary rock pads for early infrastruc ture. Basically, we are gearing up to make the eventual execution easier, when we begin construc tion of the collars for the declines and of course the sinking of these.” Development, training and safety He notes that the decline access and mechanised mining approach means the mine is estimated to produce close to 35 ounces per employee, per

“From a bulk mechanised point of view, the reef is very shallow and thick, dipping at around 35-38 degrees. Moreover, the deposit itself starts just 140 metres from the surface. It is a massive ore body, with huge width. By comparison, the Complex’s Merensky Reef is between 1.5 and 2 m in thickness, whereas the F Zone at the Waterberg deposit is over 100 m thick in places. “As a result of being such a shallow deposit, we’re afforded the opportunity to access the deposit by way of multiple decline ramps which, when com pared to deep vertical shafts, will lower overall capital and operating costs. The thickness of the reef also lends itself to bulk mechanised mining, which is a cheaper, easier and safer method of mining.” At this point, Hallam indicates that an early work programme has been implemented, and includes an early infrastructure plan intended to significantly de-risk the future construction of the project. As this programme is being executed, PGM is seeking a third-party concentrate offtake agreement for Waterberg. Also, as a possible alternative, the company is assessing the poten tial establishment of a new smelter and base metal refinery business – jointly with third party investors – capable of processing Waterberg’s concentrate. “The work we are talking about in this early pro gramme is essentially pre-construction, namely, we plan to upgrade the local infrastructure and roads,

The Waterberg project camp site.

A view of a Waterberg core assay.

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January 2024  MODERN MINING  29

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