Modern Mining January 2024


activity design principles within a suitable plan ning timeframe. This involves shaping consecutive mining activities to correspond with a business’ strategy, streamlining pit preparation and practical deployment. To support our clients and their operational man agement teams, we have established an expert team to focus specifically on the mining budget plan horizon. These plans align with strategic mine plans to fulfil a mine owner’s objectives, including share holder returns. They also offer a level of detail that provides clear and practical instructions for crafting short-term operational execution plans and designs to notably reduce the levels of frustration in the min ing production environment. So, how do we effectively close the gap? Well, ultimately mining engineering and mine planning constitute pivotal technical and organisational disci plines. The effective implementation of the budget mine planning horizon requires active engagement from the intended audience, the operational team in this case, and a technical team that has insight into the strategic objectives of the mine and an in depth understanding of the sequential nature of mine deployment. Further to this, the operational teams should receive outputs that equip them with the practical tools needed to adequately meet their requirements. At the end of the day, cultivating this collaborative approach should be a standard prac tice in every mining organisation. 

it progressively more difficult to retain outstanding operational and mining management teams. As such, the uncertainty gap between organisational objec tives and operational targets needs to be reduced by developing pragmatic and cohesive mining budget plans that are audience-driven and outline sufficient practical requirements. It should be all about creat ing certainty. The result? A production team well-positioned to perform in line with its respective KPIs and organ isational incentives. Moreover, a higher degree of certainty can be attained by applying mine

Mining is highly susceptible to the cyclical environment of supply and demand.

A higher degree of certainty can be attained by applying mine activity design principles within a suitable planning timeframe.

50  MODERN MINING  January 2024

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