Modern Mining January 2024


Before the predicted high rainfall for most of South Africa expected in late-spring (November-December), mines and quarries should start assessing their dewatering needs. Given that each operation’s requirements vary and present unique challenges, Marnus Koorts, General Manager Pump Products at Weir Minerals Africa, stresses that dewatering solutions should be adapted or customised to suit site-specific conditions. Koorts advises that for every dewater Weir Minerals Africa unlocks effective dewatering

ing project it is important the customer works with an OEM that understands the environment and site conditions, and specialises in dewatering solutions. Several factors are worth considering before selecting and installing a dewatering solution, and this should start with a thorough assessment to facilitate the design and build of a fit-for purpose dewatering solution that is site-specific, cost effective and manageable. “Each operation’s dewatering requirements are dif ferent,” says Koorts. “Consequently, we believe that dewatering solutions should be customised to suit the site conditions. At Weir Minerals, we don’t supply a dewatering solution without first going to the site to assess the different parameters that determine an optimal solution for the operation.” Another critical factor to con sider is the head pressure required to pump the water out of the pit. Many of the pits are very deep, which means additional booster pumps are needed to overcome the large vertical lift. Based on the mine site configuration and whether an open pit or underground operation, these could be positioned at multiple levels to help raise the water.

Weir Minerals Africa offers effective dewatering solutions. “It is critical that the preferred dewatering system OEM be able to integrate all the various components into a single system. At Weir Minerals we have a large portfolio of in-house and external compo nents that allow us to provide a fit-for-purpose dewatering solution and take responsibility for the entire system’s performance,” con cludes Koorts.  WEG motors and drives are key players in SA’s energy solution strategy

With the continued energy poverty being experienced in South Africa, motors and drives are set to play an ever more crucial role in industry’s energy solution strategy.

The manufacturing and processing sectors, which include minerals processing plants, are energy-intensive industries, and find ing ways to reduce energy consumption

while increasing efficiencies is essential for economic and environmental reasons. This is according to Jaco Brits, Projects and Technical Manager at WEG Africa, who says the company has the knowledge, expertise and technology solutions to assist opera tions in reducing their operating costs and increasing their productivity while guarding their energy security. “Advancements in motor and drive technology, underpinned by WEG’s extensive research and develop ment, have seen substantial improvements in energy efficiency, both equipped with advanced control algorithms to optimise motor performance based on real-time con ditions,” he explains. “These algorithms assist in ensuring motors operate at peak efficiency levels, even in complex processes.” “By upgrad ing to newer technology and installing higher efficiency motors such as the WEG IE3 or IE4 electric motor, customers can sig nificantly lower their energy consumption. In addition to this,” he adds, “by com bining high efficiency motors with WEG variable-speed drives (VSDs), better con trol and optimisation of equipment can be achieved. 

WEG motors and drives are key players in the country’s energy solution strategy.

62  MODERN MINING  January 2024

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