Modern Mining January 2025

Encouraging results from exploration at the Motapa Gold Project AIM-listed Caledonia Mining has announced the first results

said: "The results from the sampling at Motapa have delivered encouraging results in terms of strike width, length and grade… Motapa sits adjacent to Bilboes, which is where the company plans to develop a major new high grade open pit gold mine. These initial results confirm that Motapa will continue to form a key role in the company's growth strategy." n

from its recent exploration programme at Motapa, an exploration project acquired in November 2022, located directly adjacent to the company's Bilboes Gold Project in southern Zimbabwe. At Motapa, the combination of diamond drilling (DD) and reverse circulation drilling (RC), designed to test the continuation of sulphide zones of mineralisation below the historic oxide open pits, have returned highly encouraging results. In addition, shallower drilling in new target areas has returned encouraging results both in shallower oxide, and deeper sulphide zones. The programme to date has achieved the initial objectives and included 12 724m of trenching, 4 143m of DD and 5 433m of RC. Results included significant high grade gold mineralisation in numerous areas (e.g. in particular the Jupiter, Pluvious and Mpudzi areas) which will now be the focus for follow up drilling with a view to defining an open pit mineral resource. Chief Executive Officer, Mark Learmonth,

Caledonia Mining receives positive exploration results from the Motapa Gold Project.

Feasibility study for Omitiomire project reports $224 m NPV Copper developer, Omico Copper, has reported positive results from the Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) on its 95%-owned Omitiomire Copper Project. this project, we are thrilled to be able to report an extremely exciting milestone in the Omico development. Against a backdrop of scarce quality copper projects and rising demand, the Bankable

US$4.50/lb copper): • US$224 million Net Present Value (NPV) (8% discount, after-tax) • 18% Internal Rate of Return (IRR) (after tax) • 3.7 Years payback period • Life of Mine (LoM) 15 years • Capital intensity of US$12,480/t copper cathode • LoM gross revenue of US$3.8 billion • LoM free cash flow (FCF) of US$644 million • Cash costs (C1) of US$5,836/tonne copper cathode • All in Sustaining Costs (AISC) of US6,133/tonne of copper • Average copper cathode production of 26 800 tonnes per annum (total of 381 650 tonnes of copper cathode produced over the LoM). • Peak annual production of 32 000 t per annum by Year 2 of operation. n

Omico is a joint venture between Greenstone Resources LP, a private equity fund specialising in the mining and metals sector, and International Base Metals Limited, an Australian natural resources unlisted public company. Mark Sawyer, Partner – Greenstone Resources LP, commented, “As the manager of

Feasibility Study has defined a highly compelling copper mining operation, on a standalone basis. We look forward to the next phase of development. There is no doubt the Phase 4 metallurgical test work, included in this Bankable Feasibility Study, is a significant enhancement to the Omitiomire business case. That impact can be gauged in the project’s robust economics and also in the contribution that this generational asset is expected to make to our local communities for years to come. With the anticipated creation of 800 to 1 000 direct jobs

and $500 million in life of mine royalties and corporate taxes.” Key Performance Indicators (at

Omico Copper reports positive results from the Bankable Feasibility Study.

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