Modern Mining July 2015
DSO discovery a potential ‘game changer’ for Tawana zone over multiple samples, of DSO hae- matitemineralisation discoveredwithin the project area to date. It represents a fantas- tic result for the company and an exciting potential low-cost, early development opportunity within short trucking distance to the operational port of Monrovia. “The combination of a new DSO hae-
matite discovery within the Mofe Creek project area and the recently announced port infrastructure MoU signed with WISCO-CAD significantly enhances the potential for a low-capital intensity, early start-up DSO trucking operation. This is a potential game-changer for both the proj- ect and the company.”
Tawana Resources, based in Perth, Western Australia, which is developing the Mofe Creek iron ore project in Liberia, has announced the discovery of new high- grade Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) haematite mineralisation, averaging 62,8 % Fe and up to 66 % Fe, located a short trucking dis- tance from the operating port of Freeport, Monrovia. Additionally the company has discovered greater than 2,2 km strike of friable itabirite mineralisation in theGoehnprospect as part of its ongoing low-cost exploration strategy over its recently acquired, 100 %-owned Mofe Creek South licence. The new zone of DSO haematite min- eralisation occurs within the Goehn South East (SE) prospect, within a broader >550m strike length of friable, coarse-grained itabirite, with potential for additional strike extensions. Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Wayne Richards said: “This target represents the highest grade, continuous
Afarak starts bulk sampling at Vlakpoort chromite mine Afarak Group reports it has commenced bulk sampling at its Vlakpoort open-pit mine in South Africa. The total open-pit measured, indicated, and inferred resources are estimated at 1,9 Mt of chromite, with a life of mine for the open pit of five years. The company expects to ramp up to full produc- tion in 2016, once the submitted mining right has been approved. prospecting surface right in 2013. Afarak Group is a chrome mining and minerals producer focused – it says – on delivering sustainable growth with a special- ity alloys business in southern Europe and a ferro alloys business in Southern Africa. Apart from Vlakpoort, its assets in Southern Africa include the Stellite chrome mine, the Mecklenburg mine and the Mogale Alloys processing plant in South Africa and the Waylox mine development project in Zimbabwe. The Group is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki and on the LSE. The mine is located on the farm Vlak poort 388KQ, close to the mining town of Northam in Limpopo Province. Afarak acquired the Vlakpoort property and
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Loosen material solidified in bulk bags with BLOCK-BUSTER TM Bulk Bag Conditioners
BLOCK-BUSTER TM Bulk Bag Conditioners press bulk bags on opposite sides with hydraulically- driven conditioning plates to crush and loosen bulk mining materials that have solidified during storage and shipment.
Materials typically loosened by BLOCK-BUSTER Bulk Bag Conditioners include ammonium nitrate, lime, thiourea and other products that solidify in bulk bags. • Heavy-duty construction • Mobile or stationary • Diesel or electric • Gentle on bag fabric • Safety interlocked • Interior or weatherproof • Factory or on-site testing
Bulk bags can be raised, lowered, and rotated for
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July 2015 MODERN MINING 13
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