Modern Mining July 2015
ergonomics. This technology has contributed to putting us ahead of our tunnel development schedule, despite unplanned delays.” In addition to a new Sandvik DD210L drill, Cullinan has also ordered a Sandvik DS210 low-profile roof bolter designed for mecha- nised installation of standard rock bolts. Up until now, all supports have been car- ried out with conventional practices, but the introduction of the new roof bolter will effec- tively mechanise this requirement, making
operations safer whilst increasing the net bolt installed per hour. Sandvik Mining says it is differentiated in the global marketplace by being customer focused and innovative. The current positive results of the dry drilling project are based on working together with customers such as Cullinan Diamond Mine, firstly to understand their challenges and, secondly, to achieve results based on the principles of environment, health and safety.
The DD210L is equipped with a universal boom offering large optimum shaped coverage, 360-degree rotation and full automatic parallelism for fast and easy face drilling.
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We also offer training to operating personnel. Contact us for more information Or to set-up an appointment Tel: +27 11 418 4000
July 2015 MODERN MINING 21
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