Modern Mining July 2019
Predictive expands its landholding in Guinea
highlighted the Kaninko area during its terrain-scale assessment of the Siguiri Basin in late 2018. Company geologists will commence initial low-cost geological mapping and geo- chemical sampling of artisanal sites shortly and follow-up with regional stream sediment sampling when water levels fall sufficiently for that to be possible. The Authorisation contains at least one significant artisanal mine site consisting of extensive pitting into weathered bedrock over several hectares with shallow surficial workings in lateritic cover material extending for hundreds of metres away from the pitted area. Other artisanal sites are reported on the property but have yet to be examined.
ASX- l i s ted Pred i c t i ve Di s cove r y ha s announced that it has been granted a new Reconnaissance Authorisation cover- ing 100 km 2 over the Kaninko project near the town of Kouroussa in the Siguiri Basin, located in Guinea. The tenement is located approximately 10 km from the Cassidy Gold Kouroussa gold deposit. With five projects covering 500 km 2 of highly prospective landholdings, Predictive is currently undertaking multiple early-stage exploration programmes across its portfolio of 100 %-owned Guinean projects with encour- aging initial results so far from its Kankan and Nonta projects. Utilising its Predictore™ system, Predictive
Artisanal workers on the Kaninko Reconnaissance Authorisation, located in Guinea (photo: Predictive).
Xinhai committed to Namibia’s Kombat project Trigon Metals Inc, listed on the TSX-V, has provided an update on the investment and engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) process with Shandong Xinhai Mining Technology & Equipment Inc (Xinhai).
of the capital requirements of the project by way of debt financing through Chinese export credit facilities. In May 2019, representatives of Xinhai visited the Kombat site and undertook an extensive on site review. Following the site visit, Xinhai has confirmed its commitment to Trigon and the proposed transaction. Xinhai has also reiterated its confidence in the project, highlighting several areas of potential upside including plant efficiencies, exploration potential and life of mine. According to Trigon, Xinhai has a proven track record of successful implementation of large-scale engineering and construc- tion projects in Africa and is well placed to partner with Trigon to support the restart of mining at Kombat.
As announced previously, Trigon has entered into a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Xinhai. In terms of the MoU, Xinhai has agreed to invest in Trigon, in exchange for the right to be appointed as the EPC contractor for the open-pit mining operations at Trigon’s Kombat copper project in northern Namibia. Xinhai has also agreed to invest up to 10 % of the capital requirements of the proj- ect by way of providing services in exchange for equity in Trigon, and will further assist Trigon in securing up to an additional 80 %
July 2019 MODERN MINING 13
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