Modern Mining June 2015
Shantui open day confirms commitment to local market
will result in a measurable growth in mar- ket share in the mining sector for Shantui, especially considering the overwhelming positive response it has received from the industry to date. The latest version of the Shantui SL60W wheel loader is also designed for mining and quarrying applications. The machine is powered by a Cummins engine, which develops 175 kW of power. The unit has an operating weight of 21 tons and has a 3,5 m³ bucket capacity. The Shantui dozer range available locally includes the SD32W bulldozer. Powered by a Cummins NTA855-C360 engine, which develops 235 kW, it has an operating weight of 41,5 tons and is equipped with a single-shank ripper with a ripping depth of 1 m. The unit is further equipped with rock application tracks and blade. Also in the range is the Shantui SD22W bulldozer. This model is powered by a Cummins NTA855-C280 engine, which develops 162 kW. It has an operating weight of 25,5 tons and includes a three- shank ripper. It is fitted with a rollover protective structures (ROPS) and a falling object protective structures (FOPS) cab. EverStar Industries, tel (+27 11) 390-8160/1 a gross tonnage of 8 471, a deadweight of 5 939 tons and measures 118,97 m long by 24,56 m wide. Johnson Crane Hire selected its Liebherr 750 ton all terrain hydraulic crane for the !Gariep contract, due to the sheer size and weight of the components to be lifted, which included two 50-ton drill bits. “We were cognisant at all times of the tight contract period so the team quickly sprang into action to ensure that deadlines were adhered to. The sometimes excessive winds in the harbour area were an aggra- vating factor but, due to careful planning and our ability to work in challenging environmental conditions, we were able to abide by the project schedule without incident. Working between 10 to 12 hours each day, the team successfully completed the project within the revised forecasted period of 55 days,” says Grotius. Peter Yaman, Johnson Crane Hire, tel (+27 11) 455-9242
service facility. “We appreciate the estab- lishment of Shantui Equipment Southern Africa (SESA) which can now provide the market with much needed product tech- nical support for the complete range,” said BobWang, CEO of EverStar Industries. Mining and quarrying are among the most rapidly developing sectors in Africa, and the introduction of these products will assist Shantui in gaining a stronger foothold in these markets. Their excava- tors and bulldozers are said to offer power and quality and economy at an affordable price and are designed for quarrying appli- cations, as well as for entry-level mining operations. The SE220 excavator is the best seller in the excavator range. This 21,6-ton work- horse is powered by a Cummins B5.9-C, six-cylinder engine with an output of 112 kW and boasts a heavy duty boom construction with a 1,2 m 3 bucket capac- ity for an increased breakout force, making it well suited to general construction sites where a variety of ground conditions exist. The Shantui SE480 excavator, the larg- est unit in the local range, has reportedly been well received by the local market since its launch at Bauma 2013. Everstar believes the introduction of the SE480 ing and construction, power, mining and heavy manufacturing sectors. “Working conditions on a marine vessel heavy lift could be compared to the con- gested conditions and space constraints experienced on petrochemical contracts. The emphasis on safe operating conditions, while always a priority for Johnson Crane Hire, is magnified in such environments. Careful planning, reliable equipment and a well trained and experienced operational team are critical factors in the success of these projects,”Grotius points out. The !Gariep was acquired by De Beers in 1998, redesigned, re-equipped and then deployed to the Atlantic 1 mining concession area near the mouth of the Orange River, off the Namibian shore- line. The vessel is now owned, operated and managed by Debmarine Namibia and is registered at the Namibian port of Lüderitz. The vessel houses 50 people, has
The SD32W bulldozer develops 235 kW and has an oper- ating weight of 41,5 tons.
An extensive reference base of successful heavy lifts, an experienced design, rigging and operational crew, a cost effective 50 ton, 38 m radius capability, and the ability to mobilise quickly and efficiently were all deciding factors in the award of a heavy lifting contract to Johnson Crane Hire. The company started work on the removal and replacement of a number of components on Debmarine Namibia’s !Gariep offshore diamond mining vessel in Cape Town in March 2015. Although Johnson Crane Hire has sup- plied a number of smaller cranes to various De Beers Marine projects in the past, this is the first time that the company has per- formed a heavy lift for the organisation. Cornelis Grotius, GM of the Johnson Crane Hire Heavy Lift Division, explains that the company is able to leverage its extensive experience with a wide spectrum of clients across the petrochemical, civil engineer- Shantui Corporation is one of the lead- ing Chinese manufacturers of construction machinery. Also, Shantui can be consid- ered as the largest producer of bulldozers with a monthly production of 400 units. EverStar Industries was awarded the sole distributorship for Shantui South Africa in the fourth quarter of 2014. Since then, it has built up a fully-fledged sales team, parts team and fully operational Shantui recently held an open day in Johannesburg. This, it says, was a firm indication of its intention to remain in the market and increase its footprint in Southern Africa where it already has more than 300 units in operation.
Heavy lift contract completed for Debmarine Namibia
58 MODERN MINING June 2015
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