Modern Mining June 2018
HPGR testwork for Achmmach produces positive results which is scheduled for release shortly.
both with capital and operating costs. “The advantages of these technolo- gies are considerable – the processing plant will require less equipment and the tailings dam will be smaller in size, which will reduce the project’s environmental footprint and capital costs. In addition, reagent, power and water use will all be lower, reducing operating costs.” “We are excited to continue our long- standing partnership with Sierra Rutile, which has included three feasibility stud- ies and two engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) projects. This latest proj- ect will help to consolidate our partnership in West Africa,” comments Neale Goddard, DRA’s Executive Vice President for Europe, Middle East and Africa. The estimated DRA project value is US$55 million and the contract is expected to be completed by June 2019.
ASX-listed Kasbah Resources has com- pleted a High Pressure Grinding Roll (HPGR) testwork programme on run-of- mine ore from the Achmmach tin project in Morocco with very positive results. The testwork confirmed the ability of HPGR to deliver the required size reduc- tion of ore more efficiently and cost effectively than conventional rod mill- ing. Metallurgical analysis of the HPGR testwork results also confirms there are no negative metallurgical impacts with regards to tin recovery. An HPGR will be included in the Achmmach processing plant replacing the rod mill or vertical hammer mills con- sidered in previous studies. The use of an HPGR in the circuit means that only two- stage crushing is required, rather than the three-stage crushing considered in previ- ous studies. HPGR and ore sorting will both be included in the new Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) for the Achmmach project,
Kasbah’s Chief Executive, Russell Clark, commented:“The recent metallurgical test- workprogrammehasdeliveredverypositive outcomes and has confirmed that both ore sorting and High Pressure Grinding Roll technology be included in the Achmmach processing plant. These will have a posi- tive impact on the project economics,
DRA Global secures West African EPC contract Global engineering firm DRA has secured a contract with Sierra Rutile Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Iluka Resources Limited, for the expansion of Sierra’s mineral sands operations in the Bonthe District of Sierra Leone. Sierra’s Gangama plant, which was originally constructed by DRA in 2016, will double its capacity to 1 000‑1200 t/h at the project’s completion.
The project also includes the expansion of the Lanti front end circuit and the refur- bishment of the Lanti floating concentrator.
June 2018 MODERN MINING 15
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