Modern Mining June 2018
– part of Impala’s 17 Shaft, for example – and successfully completed a major shaft rehabilita- tion contract at South Deep. Globally, Redpath has completed many shafts using conventional methods, with one of the latest being the 10-m diameter, 1 284-m deep No 2 shaft at the Oyu Tolgoi mine in Mongolia, where the sinking phase was completed earlier this year.” The competency of Redpath Mining Africa extends across the entire spectrum of min- ing contracting and includes not only shaft sinking and raiseboring but also mine develop- ment (using both conventional and trackless methods), underground construction and engineering, contract mining and technical services. Its success has been such that it now ranks as one of the ‘Big Three’ mining contract- ing groups operating out of South Africa. Turning to the qualities that differenti- ate Redpath in the market, Schultz says that innovation and pushing the boundaries are in the group’s DNA. “Here in Africa we’ve tack- led some highly unusual projects,” he says. “In Botswana we completed the 473-m long, 6,1-m diameter decline ‘Sand Tunnel’ for Gem Diamonds’ Ghaghoo diamond project in the Central Kalahari, which was a world first. At Maseve we demonstrated that we could suc- cessfully deploy the longhole stoping method in a very narrow orebody, which everyone said was impossible; while at Gold Fields’ South Deep mine we were responsible for the world’s tallest brattice wall.” Finally, and looking at prospects for Redpath Mining Africa, Schultz says that the company is currently tendering on a number of signifi- cant contracts. “There is no denying, however, that the market is still restrained so we’re not expecting 2018 to be an exceptional year. We believe that 2019 will be much better and that we could achieve substantial growth given the number of projects around Africa that are at a very advanced stage. We’re very well placed to take advantage of any upturn. We have the
resources in place to tackle projects – big or small – right across the continent and the full backing of our parent company, which has identified Africa as a major growth region for the group.” Photos courtesy of Redpath Mining
The Redbore 90EX on site at Impumelelo coal mine. This photo was taken shortly after completion of the reaming phase of the vent shaft.
Redpath Mining in Africa Redpath Mining operates in Africa through Redpath Africa Limited (Mauritius), which is a 100 % subsidiary of Redpath Inc in Canada. The main operating company in Africa is Redpath Mining South Africa, which is 74 %-owned by Redpath Africa (with the balance held by Siyakhule Sonke Empowerment Corporation, a BEE company). Redpath Mining South Africa – which can trace its origins back to the 1990s – in turn has a 100 % share- holding in Redpath Zambia. Also within the African operation is Redpath Rig Resources JV (Zambia), in which Redpath Africa has a 70 % shareholding. Its joint venture partner is a Zambian company, Rig Resources. The JV was established in 2015 specifi- cally to undertake work for Mopani Copper Mines with the objective of also promoting job creation and transferring skills to the Zambian workforce. Redpath Mining Inc in Canada is part of Germany’s Aton GmbH, which is currently engaged in a takeover bid for JSE-listed Murray & Roberts, a group in which it is already a major shareholder.
June 2018 MODERN MINING 21
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