Modern Mining June 2022
Multotec puts down deep roots in Africa
In its nearly 50 years of existence, Kempton Park-headquartered Multotec, which offers one of the most complete ranges of minerals processing equipment on the market, has grown from being a purely South African player into a global group with operations spread across the world. As part of this geographical diversification, the sub-Saharan Africa region has become a vital area of operation for the company.
“ W e have a saying in Multotec that ‘Africa is our oyster’ and, over the past two decades, we’ve extended our reach across the continent quite dramatically, opening fully-fledged Multotec companies in key jurisdictions such as Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique and Ghana,” says Jaco du Toit, managing director of Multotec International. “These are complemented by long-standing partnerships in certain countries, such as the DRC, Namibia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Mauritania and Zimbabwe. These companies are rently experiencing a commodity cycle gold mining boom, is growing in impor tance, sub-Saharan Africa remains the single biggest market in Africa for Multotec (after South Africa itself). “We are optimistic about our performance in Botswana, Zambia, the DRC, Zimbabwe and Mozambique and, in response to customer requests, we are looking at strengthening our presence in Angola through the appointment of a local partner,” says du Toit. Discussing Multotec’s strategy in Africa, du Toit says the company puts down deep roots in the familiar with our product line, provide the Multotec-standard levels of service and also receive full technical support from our regional subsidiaries and head office.” While West and North Africa, cur
Jaco du Toit, Managing Director, Multotec.
Our commitment to these countries extends beyond the workplace and we pride ourselves on the close relationships we have with the communities in our areas of operation,” he states.
Multotec prides itself on close relationships with the communities in which it operates. countries in which it operates. “We don’t believe in the ’fly-in/fly-out’ approach. We prefer to have a per manent presence in each country where we can be close to our customers. We also do our best to build up local suppliers and subcontractors. Wherever possible, we establish a degree of local fabrication. Our commitment to these countries extends beyond the workplace and we pride ourselves on the close relationships we have with the communities in our areas of operation,” he states. Botswana provides an excellent example of the
Multotec Botswana has in excess of 150 employees with 98% being Botswana citizens.
Multotec philosophy in action. The company has been in the country for many years and, since 2012, has operated a fully-fledged sub sidiary with a head office in the town of Letlhakane, in the heart of the Orapa diamond field, and addi tional site offices at the Jwaneng and Orapa diamond mines. The Botswana company has more than 120 permanent employ ees as wel l as over 30 local contractors, 98 % of the workforce being citizens of Botswana. “We don’t believe in reliance on expa triates,” notes du Toit. “We much prefer to develop local managerial and technical skills and, of course,
24 MODERN MINING June 2022
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