Modern Mining June 2023
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delivery of the first set of underground mining equip ment. And by the end of the fourth quarter, Solo Resources had completed all but the last details of the process plant design,” he explains. However, despite the headway Akobo made in progressing mine development, the lengthy delays experienced in getting its key equipment from South Africa, resulted in the company making the decision to establish an ultra-small plant to help it meet its stated first gold production. Evjen explains that the ultra-small plant is a stop gap measure, “given the delays in getting our main processing plant from South Africa, which was held up by logistics issues and electricity shortages”. This subsequently slowed the fabrication process. “We felt it was important for us to deliver on our promise of processing gold by the stated time and subsequently secured a smaller plant, which can process material at two tons per hour. The upside though is that the plant can be used elsewhere once the main plant is in situ ,” he explains. The first, and small amount of gold was produced at the end of March. “This is an exciting achievement that’s been a decade in the making,” he says. With the pilot project running successfully, Akobo is turning its sights to establishing its larger process ing plant. In recent weeks, there has been significant operational activity– from foundation work and con struction to pre-assembly of the plant – all aimed at meeting the demands of a company set to reach full gold production shortly.
“Mining of the incline shaft and winches is well underway,” Evjen says. “During the second quarter of 2023 the rate of incline shaft length will speed up considerably. The IW Mining team is fully manned and equipped for the production rate necessary as we start full production – in the order of 2 000 tons per month at current manning and equipment levels. However, we anticipate that with additional equip ment, we could increase the mining extraction rate to over 5 000 tons per month, so a procurement pro cess is underway to evaluate the costs and logistics to more than double capacity.” Having experienced severe delays associated with the arrival of the main processing plant and
Aggressive exploration initiatives are underway aimed at expanding the resource and life of mine.
Akobo Minerals defined two areas for exploration focus – Segele and Joru.
June 2023 MODERN MINING 13
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