Modern Mining June 2023








6 Brelko targets Nip Guard patent in the US COMMODITIES OUTLOOK 8 Hydrogen economy outlook 10 Silver’s strong fundamentals to persist GOLD 12 Akobo Minerals delivers first gold, targets 1 moz producer status 16 Hummingbird aims to become a +200 000 ozpa producer JUNIOR MINING 20 Junior producers attract investment while exploration juniors do not 24 Kobada Gold advances down the development path POWER SUPPLY & ENERGY EFFICIENCY 28 GoldOre’s MACH reactor underpins the green agenda 32 VSD Technology for energy efficient mining 34 Drive solutions that support mines’ energy efficient focus


ENGINEERING & PROJECT MANAGEMENT 36 T3 Projects targets growth, eyes geographical expansion REGULARS MINING NEWS 4 Kouroussa Gold Mine commissioning begins PlatAfrica to bring 2023 ‘emergence’ theme to life Caledonia commences the direct sale of gold produced Reddy takes on chairmanship of SRK COLUMN: ROSS HARVEY 38 Interest rates, untameable fires, and mining production collapse SUPPLY CHAIN NEWS 40 Maptek launches VisionV2X for underground Multotec unveils new MultoComposite integrated liners Cat ® R2900 XE features efficient design Zest WEG builds special transformers locally for solar farm

ON THE COVER Following the success of its locally patented Nip Guard, Brelko has been granted a US patent on its innovation. See story on pg 6.

June 2023  MODERN MINING  1

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