Modern Mining March 2020


zones, parallel to CMA, consist of Y1, Y2 and Y3 – shallow easterly dipping reverse faults with asso- ciated albite, carbonate and quartz veins in variably altered host rocks with disseminated pyrite. The ‘S’ type structures comprise sub-vertical faults filled with quartz-tourmaline veins. The ‘S’ type structures are oriented southwest-northeast and northeast-southwest. Mineralisation in the Yaouré Zone is hosted by metabasalts and by a north-south trending grano- diorite intrusive body. Significant exploration potential exists on the Yaouré tenements. The underground resources defined in November 2018 are open down dip and along strike and have only been drilled -200 m down dip of the design pit limits. Strong soil geo- chemical anomalies have been defined adjacent to the pit areas and more regionally. Deep drilling at this stage has been confined to the pit areas and sterilisation drilling. A major exploration programme is underway to define the extent of the CMA structure with 1 km step out holes intersecting the down dip extents and a 3D seismic survey currently underway, aimed at mapping the structure at depth for targeting future deep drilling. Ore will be sourced from these two open pits (CMA and Yaouré pits) and historical heap leach stockpiles. Average annual material movement will be 19-million t using conventional open pit mining methods and a mining contractor to undertake grade control, drill and blast and load and haul. “With the completion of Yaouré, Perseus’ third mine, the group’s annual gold production will increase to over 500 000 oz of gold per annum at AISC of approximately US$850/oz, which will see very strong cash flow generation and establish the group’s credentials as a credible West African mid- tier gold miner,” concludes Grove. 

(dominantly ankerite) veining and disseminated pyrite in albite-carbonate altered metabasalt wall rocks. It strikes approximately north-south, dips at 30 degrees to the east, extends along a 1 200 m strike and its down-dip continuity has been tested for in excess of 450 m. The Yaouré Zone comprises a system of struc- tures in a 300 m wide zone, 200 m stratigraphically below the CMA Zone. Gold mineralisation is hosted by a series of brittle-ductile structures divided for convenience into ‘Y’ and ‘S’ types. The ‘Y’ fault

Construction of the process plant is ahead of schedule and under budget.

The processing facility is being constructed by Lycopodium and Perseus.

Key takeaways  Several key substructures of the Yaouré Gold Project are progressing well, in line with the stretch target of pouring first gold by December 2020, and contracted date for first gold in January 2021  The engineering works at the project are now fully complete, and so are the process plant and camp earthworks  The mill shells have arrived on site, two months ahead of the scheduled date  The tailing storage facility (TSF) site has been fully cleared and grubbed, with the TSF wall construction at 20% as at the end of February

22  MODERN MINING  March 2020

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