Modern Mining May 2017
tensioning to enhance its longevity,” says Dott. He says FLSmidth can provide on-site technical assistance during screen media product installation, maintenance or repairs at the customer’s mine or quarry site. The specialised services that are offered include process optimisation, specialty product devel- opment, screen surfaces audit, and screen system and component installation. “We also analyse product performance, and identify abnormal wear patterns and recom- mend corrective action to ensure that customers get the most value from the products and drive down their unit costs,” he says. The 16 500 m 2 FLSmidth Meshcape ® Screen Product manufacturing facility in Edenvale supplies local South African markets and exports to Africa as well as the Indian Ocean islands. The facility is quality accredited by Bureau Veritas Certification with ISO 9001 for all manufactured products. The FLSmidth Meshcape ® Screen Product range includes heavy woven wire screens – featuring 0,71 to 20 diameter wire – which are generally made to order due to the various operating requirements found in the mining and aggregate industries. The brand is also well-known for its popular GMS and AISI 304 screens, which are carried in stock. Popular sizes of fine woven wire mesh, which range in size from 6 to 500 mesh, are also carried in stock, while the extensive produc- tion capacity allows for special requirements to be woven to customer specifications. As the only South African manufacturer of wire conveyor belts, FLSmidth makes these Meshcape ® Screen Media products to order for
numerous applications in different markets. “We’ve even used our steel conveyor belts with a thicker gauge wire to support hanging walls in an underground diamond mine,” says Dott. The FLSmidth Meshcape ® Screen Media polyurethane screens include the latest genera- tion BPS modular pin-type screening system, which is fully interchangeable with current versions. “The BPS has been designed to maxi- mise the open area, offer high panel integrity and withstand operating at forces of up to 10 Gs,” Dott says. The company is also a leading manufacturer of wedge wire, with aperture sizes ranging from 500 micron to 10 mm with a range of different materials to suit the different markets, profiles and support bars. Applications for these items include fully-welded centrifuge baskets, screen baskets, flat panels, sieve bends, water intake screens, water well screens, inter-tank screens and trommel screens. “FLSmidth Meshcape ® Screen Media is committed to supporting its existing customer base in Africa as well as pursuing a long-term growth strategy throughout the region. We are also working with our agents in Zambia and Namibia,” Dott says. “As part of FLSmidth, we can also conduct product variation with our Australian products, which have valuable applications in our areas of jurisdiction.” Apart from its involvement in mining and aggregates, which includes segments like base metals, coal, chrome, diamonds and gold, the company also has an industrial sector that serves sectors such as chemicals, food and beverages, engineering, paper and pulp, and agriculture.
Below left: Quality manu- facture forms the backbone of the FLSmidth Meshcape® Screen Media product brand.
Below centre: A hybrid poly wire modular panel.
Below: Vibro Optimax™ wire has a higher tensile strength than standard screen wires with better wear characteristics.
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