Modern Mining May 2017
Fekola gold project on target for October 2017 start-up
B2Gold Corp, listed on the TSX and NYSE MKT, reports that construction of its Fekola gold project in Mali remains approximately three months ahead of the original two- and-a-half year construction schedule and on budget with production expected to start on target on 1 October this year. At the end of the first quarter of this year, the project was approximately 75 % complete. Development of the open pit contin- ued to progress ahead of schedule, with a total of 2,6 Mt of waste and 200 000 tonnes of ore mined during the quarter. The first phase of the mining fleet is on site and machines in operation include six Cat 777E haul trucks and two Cat 6020B excavators. Through the quarter average daily mining rates have increased from 25 000 tonnes to 42 000 tonnes. The second grade control drilling campaign commenced in the third week of March 2017.
Installation of the ball and SAG mills at the process plant started in February 2017, following arrival and preparation of the components in January 2017. Concrete works and structural steel erection at the mill are approximately 99 % and 94 % complete, respectively. Concrete work and platework at the primary crusher and stockpile feed conveyor have been com- pleted while approximately 80 % of the structural steel at the primary crusher has been erected. Installation of pipe supports, pipe- work , mechanical equipment and electrical cables continued site wide. Instrumentation installation at the leach and CIP tanks, leach thickener and tailings thickener also commenced during the quarter. Earthworks construction of the phase 1 tailings storage facility (TSF) embankment
has been completed and the HDPE lining of the facility has been installed. The net- work of under-drains in the basin of the TSF, which aids in consolidation of the tail- ings and extending the life of the facility, is also in place. The first of the three decant structures, designed to return water back to the pro- cess plant, has been finished along with the decant access road above the HDPE liner. The TSF and the site water man- agement structures are approximately 98 % and 93 % complete, respectively. Construction of the run of mine (ROM) pad continued through the quarter with over 1,7 million m 3 of material placed to date and 750 000 m 3 of material placed during the quarter. The manpower on site saw an increase through the first quarter with an average of 1 050 employees and contractors.
The Fekola plant under construction showing the leach thickener and the CIC section. The plant will have a throughput capacity of 5 Mt/a (photo: B2Gold).
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