Modern Mining May 2019
starts with the customer right from the first visit to site by one of our technical experts and this continues through the installation pro- cess ensuring that everything goes according to plan.” Hearn points to the impact of technology advances in plants, allowing mines to more accurately simulate what is happening inside the mill at any given time. “For our part, we are able to monitor the condition of the liners to assess how they are performing under various parameters, and based on that history, we regularly improve our designs,” he says. “We don’t walk away after an installation; we work with the customer to keep adapting to the changing characteristics of the mined material being milled as well as the mill’s operating parameters.” This focus allows a continuous evolution process to deliver incremental improvements for each customer over time, keeping mills running at their highest possible efficiencies. Among Multotec Rubber’s local projects this year is a lining installation for a large mill measuring 7,3 m in diameter for a platinum operation based in Rustenburg.
Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) can feed into its own design process. Close and ongoing technical collabora- tion with the end-user is also key to Multotec Rubber’s approach, according to Global Sales and Business Development Manager Sam Hearn, as liners are responsible for up to 90 % of mill efficiency. “Our comminution specialists have exten- sive experience and are able to understand the customers’ downstream and upstream require- ments and take all factors into account that could affect mill performance,” says Hearn. “Being able to leverage this level of insight ensures that the appropriate configuration of lin- ers is installed providing an optimum solution.” He notes that much of Multotec Rubber’s success is based on its technical support and detailed understanding of what the customer needs. “We don’t just supply liners,” he says. “We analyse the issues being experienced in the milling circuit, so that we can optimise effi- ciencies and mill liner life.” Area Sales Manager Matodzi Ramalamula highlights the ‘hands-on’ approach that is sec- ond-nature to the company’s teams. “It always
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