Modern Mining May 2019
Mobile coal crusher ups volume and quality
A ccording to Ken Basson, Direc- tor Plant and Engineering at B&E International, the throughput ca- pacity of its latest mobile track- mounted coal crusher far ex- ceeds that of similar equipment in the market. As important, however, is the model’s abil- ity to guarantee the sizing specification of coal demanded by the customer. Recent news reports have highlighted severe challenges experienced by South Africa’s power utility relating to the quality of coal fed to its power stations. “With our innovative in-house design exper- tise, we have designed a rugged fit-for-purpose mobile track-mounted coal crusher capable of producing at around 550 tonnes per hour, says Basson. “Our design also ensures that B&E International will meet the exact size specifi- cations and also minimise fines generation as required by the customer.” From a specific energy consumption per- spective, the newly designed track-mounted coal crusher provides further fuel expense sav- ings when compared to the current equipment available on the market. These cost savings are passed onto the customer by B&E International when operating on a toll basis. “Based on our proven mobile crushing plant designs, this unit has been developed on the strength of our own research and devel- opment over time,” he says. “Our design technology, utilising 3D modelling and finite element analysis (FEA) in the preparation stages, enabled us to locally manufacture this innovative mobile track-mounted version in our own engineering facility.” The crusher performance was validated in static form prior to its conversion to a mobile configuration. Testing in the field was then conducted for a period of time, delivering exceptional results, according to Basson. “The higher throughput capacity also brings important potential safety benefits to As Eskom renews its mission to secure quality coal, mobile crushing leader B&E International has released a uniquely configured high capacity unit that is certain to attract attention.
the mine,” he says. “When this mobile track- mounted crushing unit is used in conjunction with the required primary crushing and sizing equipment on a mine site, the need to employ a number of lower capacity crushing units is eliminated. This, in itself, potentially reduces safety risks as less equipment is required on the mine site minimising equipment conges- tion and movement.” Basson says that the addition of the new equipment to B&E International’s current fleet will result in further value-add benefits for cus- tomers when using the company’s toll-based processing service offering. With over four decades in the mobile crush- ing business designing, engineering, building and operating its own equipment on a toll basis, B&E International has accumulated a wealth of experience ensuring the value proposition offered to its customers is maximised. In addition to the toll-based service offer- ing, B&E International also designs, builds and operates static coal processing plants. Coal pro- cess plant upgrades and optimisation studies are also offered to potential customers. “The toll-based processing solution offers potential customers peace of mind in that all operational, financial and through- put conformance based risk is minimised,” Basson concludes.
A primary crushing plant manufactured by B&E International.
“The higher throughput capacity also
brings important potential safety benefits to the mine.”
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