Modern Mining May 2019
Engineered Weba chutes keep plant circuits efficient
“ I t is increasingly recognised that chutes are not just standard items of plate-work, but are vital fa- cilitators of smooth plant opera- tions,” states Baller. “Like every other aspect of plant technology, they require focused technical design that creates a fit-for- purpose solution, as no two chute applica- tions are the same.” He highlights the key role that chutes play in plant reliability and efficiency. For instance, they ensure that the crushers receive the right material at the correct angle, that the screens are optimally loaded, and that the mills are cor- rectly fed for best performance and economical power consumption. “It is understandable that the focus in many plants is on the ‘big ticket’ items like mills, crushers and conveyors, as this is where most of the capital is invested,” he says. “But this equipment cannot operate efficiently – and with longevity – if the transfer points connect- ing them are not well-designed. In many ways, the chutes link the whole process together.” With 30 years of experience in the field, Weba Chute Systems has seen many plant shutdowns caused by incorrect chute design. Feeding material out of specification onto con- veyors or into crushing equipment can cause damage such as holes in a screen deck or dam- aged belts, leading to costly plant downtime. “By respecting the laws of physics and applying the latest design technology, we cre- ate chutes that control the flow of both material and air to best effect,” he says. “The result is a fully engineered transfer point that is suited to the material and application.” Customers see immediate value in terms of more efficient plant operation and fewer stop- pages, meaning that most of these items can pay for themselves in less than 12 months. Environmental conditions in mineral their ‘step-child’ status, says Mark Baller, Managing Director of Weba Chute Systems. Often an overlooked element of the crushing, screening and milling circuit, chute systems are now emerging from
A Weba chute feeding a mill on a copper plant in Zambia.
A roller crusher discharge chute on a mine in Mpumalanga.
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