Modern Mining May 2020
Minerals is well positioned to continue its ambitious development programme at Bougouni. Further to this, Kodal Minerals is the manager of additional lithium and gold projects that are under- going low cost exploration programmes in addition to JV funded gold properties in Cote d’Ivoire that offer potentially significant long-term value. The Mineral Resource estimate for the Ngoualana, Sogola-Baoule and Boumou prospects are tabulated below. Lithium outlook The global lithium market is estimated to grow sig- nificantly in years to come. Lithium is used in a wide variety of applications, such as energy storage, lubri- cants, grease and air-treatment. “Our view of the lithium market is a long-term one based on the fact that this is a commodity that will underpin significant development in the vehicle market, both private and public transport. It will also be important in large grid power sys- tems to ensure the effective use of ‘green’ energy generated from solar, wind and tidal, as well as the continued growth of personal electronic devices. We see an increase in demand in the future and we are positioning Kodal to take advantage of this,” concludes Aylward.
Diamond drill core showing abundant pegmatite veining.
Key takeaways Recoveries of the Bougouni bulk sample from the plant achieved an overall recovery of up to 83% for a 5,5 % to 6% Li2O spodumene product This recovery is significantly higher than the 71% recovery used in Kodal Minerals’ initial Feasibility Study and indicates upside on the project The spodumene concentrate is low in impurities with iron content reported at below 0,5% Bulk sample test results will be included in an optimisation study to identify upside at Bougouni whereby improved recoveries have the potential to enhance project economics
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