Modern Mining May 2020
application on the scalper screens,” Faba says. “The solution embodied the respective qualities of Hardox and alumina ceramic tiles, embedded in our tried- and-tested, world class rubber formulation.” The R&D and manufacturing effort drew on 45 years of Multotec expertise, gained in iron ore and base metal plants on three continents, says Faba. The product developed and installed is a 305 mm x 305 mm modular solid impact panel with forged plate inserts – or Hardox blocks – and ceramic alumina tiles, moulded in an impact-resistant rubber compound. “The Hardox blocks protect the ceramic leading edge, while the ceramic tile provides abrasion resis- tance,” he says. “Together with the rubber energy absorption, the 100 mm thick Ceradox panels aimed to achieve an improved service life of 12 to 14 weeks.” As part of Multotec’s R&D campaign, the panels were tested for three months in the customer’s oper- ation, starting in September 2019. “The Ceradox solid impact panels exhibited excellent wear life and significantly extended the shutdown cycles, giving increased productivity to the screening equipment,” he says. “The greater availability of process plants is what we pursue in our partnerships with customers.” Beyond expectations The customer’s target was for the panels’ increased wear-life to allow mine production to improve to about 6-million tonnes per annum by the end of the 2019 financial year. As it turned out, the results exceeded expectations, with a wear life of 24 weeks being achieved. An added benefit of the new Multotec Ceradox
panel is that it is 25% lighter than the equivalent Hardox panel, easing the burden on the screens and thereby contributing to the lower total cost of ownership. They are also fitted easily, with a simple pin-and-sleeve design with knock-through pins; the changeouts are also more predictable due to the patented wear-indicator system. “The system helps operators by providing them with a simple, visible panel life indicator,” Faba says. “Providing a clear indication of each panel’s condi- tion reduces the need to remove all the media on the screen.” Multotec undertakes the local manufacture of the Ceradox panels at its extensive facilities in Gauteng. From here, they are exported to customers in Australia on a regular basis, where the Multotec Australia operation holds the required levels of stock. Faba emphasises that the high-volume
The Ceradox solid impact panels exhibited excellent wear life and significantly extended the shutdown cycles, giving increased productivity to the screening equipment.
Multotec’s Ceradox panel is 25% lighter than an equivalent Hardox panel, easing the burden on the screens contributing to the lower total cost of ownership.
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