Modern Mining May 2021
ramp-up continues, production from the mine rose 53% to 46 000 oz in the first quarter of 2021, from 30 000 oz the previous quarter. Meanwhile, the new tailings and water man- agement systems have been commissioned. Commissioning and automation of the KRS shaft have also been completed. From the onset, one of the key expectations of the Ghanaian government was local participation in employment, contracting and procurement. “For a project of this nature, given that we are at the door- step of a town of some 250 000 people, community expectations are very high and we managed those expectations through clear and transparent policies and procedures,” he says. The construction phase created about 3 500 direct and indirect jobs. Of this total, only 2% were expatriates, mainly in the contractor’s employ, with the rest of the workforce being local Ghanaian peo- ple. At steady state in 2021, a total of between 2 000 and 2 500 people will be employed. “Nevertheless, we are unlikely to satisfy every- one. The new Obuasi will employ more skilled and considerably fewer people than in the past, where it had about 4 500 people in its employ. This is not just a trend in Ghana but throughout Africa and the world at large,” says Ehm. As part of its commitment to promoting Ghanaian participation and local content across the value chain of the business, AngloGold Ashanti has adopted a policy of prioritising local Ghanaian businesses in its contracting and procurement processes. In instances where the technical capacity is not readily available, the company has identified and promoted Ghanaian businesses to participate as joint venture partners, in an effort to build Ghanaian capacity. “On October 29, 2021, we finalised a five-year mechanised underground mining contract worth US$375-million with Underground Mining Alliance, a joint venture between African Underground Mining Services, an Australian-owned company, and Rocksure International, an Accra-based, wholly- owned Ghanaian company,” explains Ehm. All the structural, mechanical, piping and electri- cal works of the project were outsourced to local Ghanaian contractors. The total spend on local com- panies is about 80% of the project value. Meanwhile, a three-year Social Management Plan has been rolled out with a budget of US$10,6-million. Outstanding developments The second phase of the redevelopment project is at an advanced stage, reports Ehm. Commissioning of the Phase 2 milling circuit continues, with final com- missioning expected during Q2 2021. Meanwhile, the underground material handling system, paste-fill plant, the GCVS ventilation shaft and the new high-voltage switchyard are expected to be completed by the end of H1 2021.
Commissioning of the Phase 2 process plant has been completed and was successfully operated for extended periods at the planned capacity. However, ramp-up to 4 000 tonnes per day of ore mined and processed continues to progress during the second quarter of 2021, with full ramp up expected in the third quarter. The underground ore passes, sizing stations and underground materials handling systems have been commissioned at the planned capacity. While the new 612 m deep GCVS vent shaft has been com- pleted, commissioning of the vent fans is in progress. “Some infrastructure remains to be completed and commissioned, including the new HV sub-station and power factor correction equipment, as well as the paste-fill plant. The overall project remains on bud- get, and no overruns are foreseen. We will close out the initial part of the project this year,” explains Ehm. Anglo Gold Ashanti is now setting up the third phase, which is focused on establishing under- ground infrastructure around the existing KMS shaft to service the mine as the production centre moves deeper. “Phase 3 will attract a further US$100-million investment. As the mine gets deeper, we will move onto the KMS shaft, which is due for refurbishment and new infrastructure in the next three years,” explains Ehm.
Due to the highly-mechanised nature of the mine, Obuasi will employ more skilled and considerably fewer people than in the past.
Key takeaways The Obuasi Redevelopment Project is an investment of US$545-million that will see Obuasi transformed into a modern mechanised mine that will produce an average of 350 000 oz to 400 000 oz of gold a year The Obuasi Redevelopment Project in on track with Phase 2 ramping up to mine 4 000 tonnes of gold ore a day that will be processed through the biox plant Phase 2 is at an advanced stage, with construction having reached 97% completion at the end of Q1 2021 Some infrastructure remains to be completed and commissioned, includ- ing the new HV sub-station, power factor correction equipment and the paste-fill plant
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