Modern Mining May 2022

by being a producer of heavy-duty screens designed for a 10-year-plus life. “From initially manufacturing, repairing and refur bishing screens, we have grown our capability to include screen media and panel manufacturing. As the sole screen and screen media manufacturer in the country we also produce all the structural ele ments associated with screen media and panels,” Walker explains. Following a revised execution model, which saw the company previously outsourcing the manufac ture of its products, the Delmas centre of excellence enabled the company to begin manufacturing its entire product range in-house. “In the past all the design, engineering, research and development was undertaken in-house while the manufacturing and assembly of our products was outsourced to original equipment manufacturers. Now that we produce all our equipment in-house, we have greater control in terms of product quality, and better protection of our intellectual property, includ ing all new technology implemented, such as the latest technology on the spiral welder and special ised procedures implemented, together with those related to our welding equipment. In essence, we control product quality from the start of the design process, through assessment of customer needs, to the design of the screen, right up to the finished product. Being involved in the entire manufacturing value chain unlocks a number of advantages, such as increased cost effectiveness – by ensuring there is no double-handling of products – faster lead times and speedy turnaround times for the customer,” explains Walker. As such, the single source manufacturer of screens and screen media is ideally positioned to recommend the best screen media deck layout for any application. According to Walker, FLSmidth has close relationships with mining and project houses and as a result insight into the application, feed-rate and throughput capability that the screens and pan els are required to deliver once operational. “With screens and screen media required to per form across a range of commodities, all with varying levels of viscosity, each application requires specific panels and screen layouts, and material used to manufacture the product to ensure that it delivers the intended outcome. For instance, a dewatering function will require a different type and size of panel from that of a sizing application in order to meet opti mal production rates,” explains Walker. FLSmidth’s experience and deep understanding of the ideal screen deck layout helps customers to garner the most favourable layout and thereby the greatest longevity for its products. “Over time, different ore types exhibit greater wear on different parts of the screen and we are able to advise customers on the most efficient panel layout for a plant. And, before we dispatch a product

The new polyethene machine delivers a step-change in pouring capacity.

Screens and screen media are required to perform across a range of commodities.

FLSmidth continues to make significant investments in its Delmas facility.


May 2022  MODERN MINING  27

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