Modern Mining November 2018


their operations. We’ve done particu- larly well in the platinum field, both in South Africa and Zimbabwe, with contracts to a value of over R100 mil- lion currently in progress.” The projects Dreyer refers to include a feasibility study for various life-of-mine underground extension projects on the Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex and detailed engineering, procurement and con- struction supervision services on the material handling system and all other underground infrastructure for an extension at a platinum mine on the Eastern Limb. WorleyParsons RSA’s scope of work on platinum proj- ects in Zimbabwe includes a trade-off study for underground mine access

same protocols and systems and procedures apply. WorleyParsons has truly perfected the art of working across national and regional boundaries.” WorleyParsons RSA had been selected as the Mining Centre of Excellence within the group because of its outstanding track record in servicing the mining industry in Africa. It has managed more deep-level shaft projects in the world than any other company – among them some standout projects such as Impala’s 20 and 17 shafts and the Bakubung platinum mine. It also has world-class mineral process- ing skills – covering both hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy – and has been responsible for designing many large processing plants in the Southern African region. “From strategy to operations we realise value through our extensive local experience and integrated solutions,” says Dreyer. “Our experts have a thorough understanding of the total mining business value chain from explora- tion through to eventual mine closure.” He adds that an integral part of the Worley­ Parsons offering is Advisian, the independent advisory and consulting arm of the group. Technologies that Advisian can deploy on behalf of clients include StepWise, a fully integrated financial and technical and process model that requires minimal financial commit- ment and which takes a low-risk approach to providing the best technical alternatives in a quick and cost-effective way. “StepWise allows mining companies to evaluate the technical and financial viability of their orebodies,” Dreyer explains. “Junior com- panies in particular appreciate it as it allows them to quickly arrive at a point where they can either decide to move into implementation

for a new mine and the detailed engineering procurement and construction supervision services on the material handling for a new underground platinum mine. In South Africa, the company’s flagship project remains the US$2,1 billion Venetia Underground Project (VUP) of De Beers, which will see the life of this Tier-1 asset being extended into the 2040s. WorleyParsons RSA has had an involvement in the project – which includes the sinking of two vertical shafts to a depth of just over 1 km – from the earliest days, having been responsible for the feasibility study. It is now the EPCM contractor, working closely in a successful ‘tripartite alliance’ with the client, De Beers, and the main shaft sink- ing and decline contractor, Murray & Roberts Cementation. The huge reservoir of mining talent at WorleyParsons RSA is deployed not only on projects within the African region but also further afield. “As the Mining Centre of Excellence within WorleyParsons, our engi- neers are working on mine development and mineral processing contracts secured by the group across the globe,” Dreyer comments. “In essence, we do the detailed engineering on these contracts. When they move into the exe- cution phase, then our involvement typically diminishes – unless, of course, they are located within our own region, in which case we would also handle execution.” He stresses that the interaction between WorleyParsons RSA and the wider group is seamless. “WorleyParsons is geared to harness- ing its resources – wherever they are located – to provide clients with the best possible ser- vice. All the offices utilise the same systems and it doesn’t matter where you log in – the

A typical ‘digital twin’ of a processing plant designed by WorleyParsons RSA for a platinummining customer. The ‘digital twin’ is essentially an operational data enhanced virtual or augmented reality model of the designed facility.

“WorleyParsons is geared to harnessing its resources – wherever they are located – to provide clients with the best possible service.”

November 2018  MODERN MINING  19

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