Modern Mining November 2020
of plant operators has commenced and is ongoing, and outstanding licences needed for full operations are pending issue by the relevant state authorities. These are expected very shortly.” Construction of the project is managed by Perseus Mining’s development team who, together with engineering company Lycopodium, also built the company’s Sissingué gold project ahead of time and on budget. Yaouré Gold Mine at a glance The mine was acquired in April 2016 when Perseus took over Amara Mining PLC. A definitive feasibil- ity study (DFS) was completed in October 2017 and Perseus has since completed a front-end engineer- ing and design (FEED) study, contracted Lycopodium to construct the plant, secured funding, obtained the exploitation permit and commenced construction. Yaouré holds three exploration permits in a region covering 360 km². The exploitation permit PR397 covers a 53 km² area. Perseus owns a 90% interest in Perseus Mining Yaouré SA, owner of the Yaouré mine, with the other shareholder being the govern- ment of Côte d’Ivoire, with a 10% free carried interest. Proven and probable ore reserves total 27-mil- lion t, grading 1,8 g/t gold containing 1,56-million oz of gold inclusive of 2,1-million oz of measured and indicated resources, as of 30 June 2019. Yaouré’s life of mine gold production totals 1,4-million oz at an AISC of US$759/oz over 8,5 years. Exploration potential is significant including an initial under- ground inferred resource of 595 koz grading 6,2 g/t gold. The mine is situated within the eastern half of the informally named Bouflé greenstone belt in central Côte d’Ivoire. The belt is a north-north-east trending assemblage of Palaeoproterozoic volcanic, sedimen- tary and intrusive rocks of the Birimian supergroup.
the West African region, along with the Edikan mine in Ghana and the Sissingué operations, also in Côte d’Ivoire. Challenges The development of Yaouré has been without chal- lenges, with COVID-19 being the biggest contest encountered so far. “The most serious challenge encountered in the development of the mine,” says Quartermaine, “has been keeping our people safe and healthy during the COVID-19 crisis and ensuring that expatriate workers were not adversely impacted by fatigue or stress arising from very lengthy rosters made neces- sary by international travel restrictions.” In terms of work still to be done, Quartermaine says commissioning of individual components of the processing plant has been underway for some time and that commissioning of the complete processing circuit is scheduled to start mid-November, once the high-voltage power system has been energised by CI Energies, the Ivorian power utility. “Recruitment of the entire management and work- force is very close to completion,” he says. “Training
The tailings storage facility at Yaoré is fully constructed and lined, and a Certificate of Practical Completion has been issued.
Key takeaways The commissioning of elements of the processing plant has commenced with first ore being put through the crusher and over conveyors Commissioning of the complete processing circuit is scheduled to start mid-November, once the high-voltage power system has been energised The system is capable of being fully energised from the grid, due to be completed by the Ivorian power authorities by 17 November The mine is expected to pour first gold in December this year, more than a month ahead of schedule The company is looking to pass various completion tests and be in a posi- tion to declare commercial production during the March 2021 quarter
18 MODERN MINING November 2020
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