Modern Mining November 2021
Hummingbird implements World Gold Council’s RGMPs Throughout the Year Two self-assess- ment and audit process at its head office and operating site, many of the company’s existing policies, procedures, practices, training programmes and ongoing com- mitments are consistent with the RGMP requirements, including ethical conduct, safety and health, working with communi- ties and environmental stewardship.
In line with Hummingbird Resources plc’s (AIM: HUM) path towards World Gold Council’s (WGC) Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs) conformance, the com- pany has successfully received an external audited assurance report highlighting Year Two implementation and progress towards full conformance in 2022. Launched by the WGC in September 2019, the RGMPs provide a sustainable reporting framework that supports inter- national best practice in addressing key environmental, social and governance (ESG) requirements as to what constitutes responsible gold mining via 10 umbrella principles and 51 detailed principles. Member companies have up to three years to fully comply with the RGMPs and are required to obtain annual exter- nal assurance on their performance and conformance. Aligned with adherence to the RGMPs, the company has successfully received an independent limited assurance audit report highlighting Year Two conformance.
able mining company. Meeting these require- ments demonstrates a h i gh s tandard of ESG pe r f o rma n c e , which is essential for the Company’s social licence to operate in the countries and communi- ties we engage with and work in,” Montgomery.
Edward Montgomery, chief strategy and ESG officer at Hummingbird Resources.
As part of the Year Two internal assess- ment, the company completed a Gap Analysis to identify those policies, standards and activities which are already conformed with and those that require further addi- tional work to achieve the September 2022 full conformance deadline. Hummingbird is committed to operating responsibly for the benefit of all stake- holders and remains on track to achieve full WGC RGMPs conformance by the September 2022 deadline. Chief strategy and ESG officer Edward Montgomery, comments: “Adopting the WGC RGMPs is a key part of Hummingbird’s strategy for building a long term, sustain-
“As a result of the auditing process, the company have benchmarked, and in some cases improved, our practices, which include systems and policies related to the full spectrum of ESG requirements for the business. Implementing the RGMPs enables Hummingbird to evidence a greater level of accountability and transparency, in line with the increasing expectations of our stakeholders. “We are pleased with the progress made so far and the steps being taken to improve our management systems and responsible business protocols and practices.”
November 2021 MODERN MINING 9
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