Modern Mining November 2021
to the tin bearing mineral cassiterite and is currently recovered as part of the tin concentrate. At present, the company does not receive a credit for the contained tantalum within the tin concentrate. Therefore, the aim is to separate the tantalum bearing minerals from the tin concentrate and create a by-product at a typical sale- able grade of 20% Ta 2 O 5 . Magnetic separation is a proven technology for the separation of Ta-bearing CGM from non-mag- netic minerals such as Cassiterite. Following the initial focus on wet mag- netic separation techniques, recent work investigated dry magnetic separation techniques. Production of concentrates containing in excess
of 24% Ta 2 O 5 was achieved from separate samples submitted to two independent service providers using similar processing strategies and equipment. Based on the results, the company will proceed with the implementation of a pilot beneficiation cir- cuit to further process the currently produced tin concentrate employing dry screening and a high intensity dry electromagnetic separation to produce a separate tantalum concentrate. The circuit has an estimated capital cost of £300 000 and will be funded from existing cash reserves. Construction of the circuit will be managed by AfriTin’s in-house engineering team. The pilot tantalum separation circuit will treat the entire stream of currently produced tin concen- trate. The company expects to progress seamlessly from the pilot phase to the final circuit configuration through process optimisation over a period of six months.
be followed by the implementation of the full-scale petalite concentrate circuit. Tantalum by-product development Tantalum at Uis occurs primarily within Columbite Group Minerals (CGM) which have a similar density
AfriTin is encouraged by the rapid progress on its metallurgical test work programme.
Key takeaways Metallurgical test work results at Uis Tin Mine have confirmed production potential of separate saleable lithium and tantalum concentrates Density-based lithium beneficiation test work has achieved petalite con- centrate grades in excess of 4% Li 2 O and within contaminant specifications for a typical saleable technical grade petalite product Test work has been successful in producing a high-grade, saleable speci- fication tantalum concentrate (>24% Ta 2 O 5 ) The pilot lithium beneficiation plant is expected to cost £2,2-million, con- sisting of CAPEX and operating costs over the course of the pilot campaign
20 MODERN MINING November 2021
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