Modern Mining October 2015
blast design a step forward
position of holes can be detected from an ortho- photo and saved as text-delimited files for use in blast planning software. Rock variation in a bench often has a sig- nificant impact on blastability and explosives performance, and it is sometimes necessary to place waste or air decks in a hole travers- ing a sequence of strata in specific locations to concentrate or dilute the explosives energy. To address these issues, the new drone-based techniques also allow a closer inspection of the blast area’s geology. A scaled image of a face taken from a multi-copter provides a good source of information on the positioning and variation in width of strata in a single bench for charge planning purposes. BME’s experience from mining projects in South Africa has shown the usefulness of using drones to leverage existing photographic, soft- ware and GPS technologies to improve blasts; there is no doubt that this science has plenty of potential yet to be uncovered.
block condition and volumes; blast-hole posi- tions; and post-blast analysis of muckpile shape, back damage and fragmentation. The information is valuable not only for reporting purposes but for assessing blast performance by examining the distribution of fragmentation and fly rock around a blast. As these are orthophotos with geo-referenced points, measurements can be made directly off the images. The view from directly above a blast is unique as it is possible to see and mea- sure features that are not necessarily obvious from any other angle. Muckpile profiles can also be created, allow- ing a geo-referenced, 3D digital surface to be analysed easily for volumes and cross-sections. Accurate vertical cross-sections are generated quickly from cut-lines drawn on the surface in the survey software. For blast planning purposes, block-shape, hole locations and areas of damage are vari- ables that can be accessed from the data. The
Muckpile profiles can also be created, allowing a geo-referenced, 3D digital surface to be analysed easily for volumes and cross- sections.
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