Modern Mining October 2015
Strand jacking used to lift conveyor gantry sections
The application of strand jacking technol- ogy by international heavy-lift specialist Vanguard is reportedly proving to be an economical solution for clients, while enhancing worker safety and performance quality. The strand jacks formpart of Vanguard’s extensive range of specialised heavy-lift equipment, which also includes hydraulic lift systems, jack and slide systems, rigging and installation equipment and a variety of specialised cranes. Recently, Vanguard was requested to assist with lifting and placing preas- sembled sections of a stockpile conveyor gantry into position 30 m above ground level. The initial request was to execute these works using large cranes. Vanguard conceptualised and engi- neered an alternative project solution
using strand jacks, according to Vanguard’s Roger Rousseau. “While strand jacks have been in use globally for some time, their versatility and benefits are not well known in the field of steel construction in Southern Africa and therefore are often unobserved,” said Rousseau. “Using this technology, our engineered project solution allowed the client to complete the assembly of each gantry section on the ground, improving the level of safety and the speed of the work, while facilitating closer quality control. It was also more economical, as the cost of deploying large cranes for an extended period is very high and uncompromising in the face of any unforeseen delays in schedule.” The sections that were lifted com-
prised three weighing 115 tonnes each, and a fourth weighing 150 tonnes includ- ing a tripper car; each gantry section was 50,4 m in length. The strand jacks have a lifting capacity of 70 tonnes each, and the contract employed four jacks at different points to lift the load. The conveyor gan- tries were connected to, and lifted by, the strand jacks using high-tensile steel cables, known as strands. The lifting itself was computer-con- trolled through intelligent software that operated the four jacks in unison, so they could grip and pull the strands over a ‘stroke’ distance of about half a metre at a time. To construct the framework in which the jacks could operate, four lattice towers were erected and connected horizontally by two pairs of header beams, one pair on either end of the load. Two platforms – each carrying two strand jacks –were individually placed on a pair of header beams. This arrangement also allowed for the lateral movement of the load to the required position. “We hold most of the equipment needed for this kind of job. For this appli- cation, we engineered additional height on the towers to reach the 43 m required, and joined the header beams to achieve the 22 m horizontal distance required between the towers,” said Rousseau. The equipment was translocated from Vanguard’s Johannesburg yard to site in Namibia, where it was assembled, ready for the first lift. Vanguard, tel (+27 11) 616-1800
Strand jacking was recently used to lift preassembled sections of a stockpile conveyor gantry into position 30 m above ground level.
46 MODERN MINING October 2015
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