Modern Mining October 2016


Mining schools form collaborative body the challenges the South African min- ing industry is currently facing,” he said. “The country just does not have enough researchers to be competitive in this regard. Our four schools look forward to

across all four schools,” said Professor Webber-Youngman. “Unlike in the past – when each school had relationships with other mining schools internationally – we will now be able to strengthen local collab- oration and leverage this to ensure more sustainable collaborations globally.” 

To allow more cooperation and informa- tion-sharing, the heads of South Africa’s four university mining schools have launched Mining Engineering Education South Africa (MEESA). Established last year as the Mining Heads of School Forum and recently re- branded, MEESA is currently chaired by Professor Ronny Webber-Youngman of Pretoria University’s Department of Mining Engineering and includes his counter- parts Professor Cuthbert Musingwini of Wits University, Dr Hennie Grobler of the University of Johannesburg, and Israel Dikgwatlhe of the University of South Africa. Emphasising the need for closer collab- oration between mining schools, Professor Webber-Youngman highlighted research, funding and work experience as key issues for MEESA. “Since mining research capacity has decreased over the last few years, research collaboration is imperative in addressing

collaborating more mean- ingfully in the near future in our research activities.” Since its inception, MEESA has already been able to interact more effectively with the Mining Qualifications Authority to collectively resolve chal- lenges encountered by each of the schools. MEESA has also been able to collectively secure a number of vacation- work placements for their undergraduate students. “Key to this collabora- tion is that there is more i n f o r ma t i o n - s h a r i n g

Seen here (from left) are Dr Hennie Grobler (University of Johan- nesburg), Professor Cuthbert Musingwini (Wits University), Israel Dikgwatlhe (University of South Africa) and Professor Ronny Webber-Youngman (University of Pretoria).

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