Modern Mining September 2017
underground spaces
Above: A small operating footprint and agile chracteristics make the Cat AD22 a versatile machine. Right: The AD22 operator station, showing the new display that enables the operator to monitor machine performance and machine parameters. its larger truck product family, with intelligent and robust features that deliver similar cycle times and durability. Its small operating footprint and agile char- acteristics, including an acute articulation angle and decreased outside turning radius, make this a versatile machine that manoeu- vres easily through the rugged environment of underground mining spaces. The AD22 offers a three-pass match to the Cat R1300G underground mining loader or a two-pass match to the R1600H. A wide body design makes loading faster and easier. Multiple dump body sizes are available to optimise the truck for all mining applications. Dump and ejector options are also offered. The new truck is available with an open operator compartment or an optional enclosed cab, both are ROPS (roll over protection struc- ture) and FOPS (falling objects protection structure) certified.
Other benefits include ground level servic- ing and major component commonality with other Cat products for good parts availability and reduced inventory costs. Engine The AD22’s C11 ACERT™ diesel engine is known for reliability, performance and
September 2017 MODERN MINING 17
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