Modern Mining September 2018
production, the study estimates WMZ will employ 600 people, with over 550 of them being Algerian. Terramin will purchase as much as it can locally and will make a sig- nificant contribution to the local economy, particularly utilising services companies and those local entities involved in earthworks and construction. Terramin says the next steps in project development will include formal submission of the DFS to the Government of Algeria; FEED (Front End Engineering and Design) works; early works road access and administration establishment; the establishment of an Owners Team; the EPCM tender process; and financing discussions with Algerian banks. Terramin owns 65 % of the Tala Hamza project. Its joint venture partners are Entreprise Nationale Des Produits Miniers Non Ferreux et des Substances Utiles (ENOF) (32,5 %) and Office National la Recherche Géologique et Minière (ORGM) (2,5 %), which are both gov- ernment entities. The Government of Algeria has indicated that it intends to fund its full 35 % share of the project. Photos courtesy of Terramin
tested ranged from 12,0 kWh/t to 14,4 kWh/t indicating the ore is relatively soft. Ultrafine grinding with Isa Mills – or their equivalent – will be used to improve the concentrate grade. The process plant is expected to be oper- ated as a continuous process with a throughput capacity designed to meet the planned produc- tion rate of 4 000 t/day. It has been situated in a flat area of land above the main deposit known as ‘Valley B’. The plant starts from the upper valley with ore feed from the ROM pad pro- gressing to the concentrate filtration and storage area down the valley. The plant cascades down the valley using the natural topography to mini- mise energy and construction costs. Zinc and lead concentrates are expected to be shipped out of the Port of Bejaia to smelt- ers in the Mediterranean and other parts of Europe (possibly also domestic sales) using a ‘container-in and bulk-out’ ‘rotainer’ system. Both zinc and lead concentrates are expected be shipped in dry bulk form with transport moisture limits (TML) of less than 10 % and greater than 6 % to control dust. Tala Hamza will be the largest base metal mining operation in Algeria. Under full
September 2018 MODERN MINING 25
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