Modern Mining September 2018
SHAFT SINKING AND RAISEBORING Mining contractor looks for a more balanced workload
One of South Africa’s most accomplished shaft-sinking companies is the underground mining arm of Aveng Mining, Aveng Shafts & Underground, which over the past eight or so years has undertaken and successfully completed a number of shafts – some of them of a very challenging nature – in both Africa and overseas. Currently Aveng Shafts & Underground only has one active shaft contract and Aveng Mining MD Stuart White says the company is looking to diversify its activities in the underground mining contracting space to counteract the current dearth of shaft-sinking projects.
A veng Mining currently trades as Aveng Shafts & Underground and the surface mining con- tracting arm, Aveng Moolmans. “The shafts and underground business and the open-cut business previously formed two separate divisions within Aveng Mining,” says White. “It’s our intent to now
combine them into a single entity under the very strong Moolmans brand name. This will assist to simplify the brand and further unite our operating entities.” While the surface mining business remains healthy
Stuart White, MD of Aveng Mining. Below: An Aveng Mining Shafts & Underground crew in Shaft 1 of the Platreef project.
40 MODERN MINING September 2018
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