Modern Mining September 2022
local sales registering R25,3-billion; while gold exports amounted to R93,1-billion and coal exports accounted for R63,7-billion with the addition of R86,4-billion for local coal sales. Operating underground Underground mining is often associated with low production efficiencies, a higher cost range and tight production cycle times. Moreover, mining at depth is associated with seismicity and increased heat levels and therefore high energy requirements for refrig eration and ventilation systems. Gold and PGM orebodies occur in narrow reef hard rock environments, which make it a challenging environment for operating large-scale equipment. This highly labour-intensive environment neces sitates the use of conventional and mechanised mining methods. “Most commodities mined underground have extensive orebodies, with the mineral extraction process lending itself to the use of large-scale equip ment, which in some areas allows for autonomous mining practices. However, the majority of mining in the hard rock environment relies on the drill and blast method for rock breaking. Softer rock areas use mechanical rock breaking equipment.” According to Pretorius, given depleting mineral resources, miners are forced to push the boundary limits which results in an ever-increasing distance between the mine extraction area and the shaft infra structure. The further the distance from the shaft, the longer it takes to travel and or move equipment such as drills to the work-face, with less face-time to com plete the production cycle. To address these challenges, industry bodies, in partnership with mining houses and equipment manufacturers, are developing safety interventions in line with safety, health, environment and commu nity driven programmes. “The industry’s holistic safety strategy encom passes environment, social and governance (ESG), carbon footprint reduction, adoption of alternative energy sources and conversion to new technology
enablers that help to remove people from dangerous areas. From a production point of view, the aim is to optimise shift cycles, align production cycles with equipment utilisation, and digitise and incorporate real-time monitoring. Research, development and innovation are key areas of focus.” MMP drives innovative solutions “The 2022/23 financial year budget programme comprises both resource extraction optimisation projects and technology application projects. The focus is to test remote control functioning prototypes and fully integrate planning systems to enhance Technology Readiness Level 8 (TRL 8), which is the final trial and testing before commercialisation of the products takes place. In this financial year, we are focused on the development of numerous proj ects, including two used for cleaning and sweeping systems.” According to Pretorius, the intent of the longevity of current mines (LoCM) programme is to modernise and introduce new solutions to existing gold, chrome and platinum mines, coupled with adopting Best Practice methods and procedures. “The aim,” he says, “is to extend current min ing life through improved productivity and safety
Given depleting mineral resources, miners are forced to mine at greater depths.
Left: HPE’s ‘Drill Guide’ prototype.
Below: HPE Isidingo drill in action.
September 2022 MODERN MINING 29
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