Modern Mining September 2023
Boost your business with best-in-class drilling
T he global rock drill rig market was recently projected to grow at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 5.5% during the forecast period of 2018-2028. The global water well drilling market size is expected to reach $4.12 bil lion by 2028 – CAGR of 5.20% from 2021 to 2028. Maintaining leadership in the water or rock drilling market is essential in keep ing your company ahead of competitors in these rapidly growing industries and part nering with Powerbit Rocktools can help you maintain your competitive advantage. The company is renowned for listening intently to its customers and cultivating an in-depth understanding of their challenges, problems and goals. And, with over 20 years of experience, Powerbit drilling prod ucts remain at the forefront of technology at affordable prices. With a singular focus on customer needs and a passion for excellence, Powerbit Rocktools continues to innovate; empower ing drilling businesses to conquer even the most challenging drilling operations with ease and efficiency. As the industry rapidly adopts techno logical advances and mining and drilling operations expand to new frontiers, the need for robust and reliable rock drilling tools has become even more critical. In the face of extreme and challenging environ ments, businesses need cost-effective and enduring solutions to conquer the tough terrain they inhabit. Powerbit has been a prominent player in the southern African mining industry since 1996, addressing the unique demands of drilling-related industries with unwav ering dedication and a commitment to excellence. The company’s product range is exten sive and purposeful, catering to various drilling needs across industries. The fit-for purpose line-up includes DTH hammers and bits, RC hammers and bits, tri-cone bits, top hammer bits and rods, casing systems, grinding machines and more. Each tool has a proven history of enhancing drilling oper ations’ efficiency and longevity. One key factor that sets Powerbit apart is its focus on building long-term
partnerships with its clients. Thomas Chao, MD at Powerbit Rocktools, emphasises the value of maintaining a reliable supply chain in the context of African industry, where drilling and geotechnical excavation operations form the backbone of resource extraction and optimisation, driving the continent’s survival and progress. “In the drilling industry, our clients can’t afford downtime. We pride ourselves on being a partner who is always on hand to help our clients address their unique chal lenges. Our team is not just a supplier, we are a valued partner for our clients’ busi nesses. And that makes all the difference. “We consistently maintain and adapt to new quality standards by collaborating with our facilities offshore and continuously work alongside our clients to understand their needs and provide products that serve their specific requirements.” Powerbit collaborates with its facilities in Taiwan, China and Japan, where they have advanced research centres and applied technology experts in the rock drilling tools field working tirelessly to innovate new products and methods, cultivating a practi cal understanding of emerging engineering challenges to effectively tailor their prod ucts to meet clients’ specific needs.
Powerbit Rocktools MD, Thomas Chao.
The value of economical, long-life rock drill bits, hammers and grinding machines in today’s drilling operations cannot be overstated. Powerbit recognises these tools’ pivotal role in enabling clients’ suc cess and driving infrastructure projects that underpin local economies. The Powerbit Product Roundup is a tes tament to its commitment to empowering progress in drilling operations. From DTH hammers and bits to top hammer drilling tools and RC hammers and bits, each prod uct is meticulously engineered to ignite the power of remarkable rock drilling. With a versatile range suitable for various working conditions and industries, Powerbit is well equipped to serve diverse clientele with different drilling requirements.
Each Powerbit product is meticulously engineered for efficiency and longevity.
September 2023 MODERN MINING 3
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