Modern Quarrying April-May 2016
Sephaku management changes Sephaku Holdings Limited reports that two of the three founding directors of Métier Mixed Concrete (Pty) Limited, namely Wayne Witherspoon, operations and Richard Thompson, finance, will not be renewing their employment contracts that end on March 31; changes that have been well anticipated. The third co-founder and current MD Kenneth Capes has been appointed CEO of Métier. Furthermore, Capes will increase his area of responsibility to assist the company with its growth strategy. To ensure continual operational success, Métier has appointed Jurgens du Toit as MD.
Beltcon 19 call for papers The International Materials Handling Conference (IMHC) invites authors and speakers to submit a synopsis on topics relating to belt conveying for presentation at the 19 th Beltcon Conference in August 2017, to be held over two days in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Beltcon Conference is regarded as a leading international forum for presentation of the latest technology, design, research and relevant case studies in conveying. This conference has been held every two years over the last 38 years and has earned a well-deserved reputation as the reference point for information sharing, discussion of new developments in the industry, and the latest in design, research and case studies presented by world renowned academics and leaders in the field of belt conveying. Papers are in two parts: Technical papers are issued in hard copy to each delegate as Conference Proceedings. These are later published as Past Papers. Each speaker presents the content of the technical paper in a PowerPoint presentation at the conference. • Only papers that meet stringent quality standards are accepted. • Ideally, papers should contain new and unpublished material. • No advertising or commercial publicity to be included. The conference is conducted in English. Please submit a brief synopsis by April 30, 2016, or shortly thereafter to Chris Townsend, IMHC Organising Committee on email:
Jurgens du Toit holds a civil engineering qualification and has some 24 years’ experience in the mining and building materials industries, having held senior management positions in several aggregates and readymix businesses in SA, Botswana and Lesotho.
April - May 2016
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