Modern Quarrying Jan-Feb 2018


The Kalbaskraal project entails: upgrading the existing single carriageway along the project section to a dual carriageway with two traffic lanes on each carriageway, northbound and southbound; the dualling of the N7 includes a 16 mmedian and grade separated interchanges constructed at Klein Dassenberg intersection and the Kalbaskraal rail crossing; the closing off and rerouting the existing minor roads and property accesses to the N7 onto adjacent and new roads; establishment of an Atlantis Sand Fynbos restoration programme within the new road reserve; and new N7 bridge structures associated with the new improved road alignment and duelling of the road. Also included in the project is the construction of new interchanges and access ramps to the N7 at the Klein Dassenberg and Kalbaskraal interchanges; and the construction of new provincial roads and private farm access roads all linking up to the N7 via the interchanges.

in projects of significant size and com- plexity over the years; spanning areas of road construction, road rehabilitation, infrastructure, mining and building con- struction. And while the business’s core focus in South Africa and the neigh- bouring region revolves around national and provincial arterial roads and urban highways, H&I’s flexibility across build- ing construction projects facilitate urban infrastructure and select institutional, industrial, commercial, residential and other building projects. Report by Dale Kelly, and photographs, unless otherwise accredited, courtesy the Haw & Inglis newsletter, The Benchmark.

bridges and an agricultural under- pass. Structural work got underway in September 2017 with bulk excavation for the earth-retaining system of all three bridges almost complete. The team is currently busy constructing the walls of the agricultural under- pass. The Hopefield team is lead by Nur Minkie and Keith Hunter. • N7 Leliefontein – Abbotsdale: The scope of the project includes five bridges, four agricultural underpasses and four in-situ culverts. The team lead by Jean-Pierre Fourie and Robbie van Zyl set off at a flying pace in May 2017, with the structures available to them. • Libode II: The team is currently ahead

of the structures programme. The site comprises: 1 overpass 62 m length 1 overpass 84 m length 1 river bridge 80 m length 1 pedestrian bridge 51 m length and ramp and staircase 10 underpasses 490 t of rebar and 4 000 m 3 of con- crete is the makeup of these structures The team is well ahead of the underpasses programme, managing to have completed half the underpasses in nine months with some 17 months remaining to complete the remaining half. The team is also on target with the bridges programme. The Western Cape-based contractor has made a name for itself for its expertise

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