Modern Quarrying Jan-Feb 2018
Rod Taylor’s dream comes into fruition with the establishment of the quarry.
Once the plant and equipment started to arrive from the UK, the partners were rearing to go.
assistance taken in putting this article together, and to Eike Grunwald for bringing us together.
low and it can be installed with or without the knowledge of the dispatch staff. “It gives the quarry manager or owner a daily printout of the time and weight of each load that left the quarry the previous day, which can be sent to his phone or email or both,” he says. “It is a complete separate plug in from the existing weighbridge
A short video taken at Killala Rock can be seen on:
Report by Dale Kelly and photographs courtesy Killala Rock Quarry
software and as such, the printout can be compared with the daily documentation handed in by the despatcher.” The package is being launched in July this year in Ireland and Rod can be contacted on rod@rockaudit. com or by telephone: +00353877561754. He is also available on WhatsApp. MQ will be writing more on Killala Rock in other issues and thanks Rod Taylor for his time and
Rod Taylor shows his delight at receiving the requisite planning permission after a difficult two-year process.
Quarter 1 / 2018
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