Modern Quarrying January-February 2016
Blast from the past As MQ ’s focus this issue has been a bit of a blast from the past, I’ve come across a collection of old photographs and news- paper cuttings given to me many years ago, which would be fun to share. MQ is always interested in ‘old’ photographs and memories. If you have any to share, we can make this a regular feature in the
magazine. Any photographs sent to me will be looked after and returned, other- wise scan them and email them to me directly. The ones displayed here are mostly black and white or very faded colour images. Let me know if you rec- ognise any of these.
Loading rock at Coedmore in the early 1970s.
1984: Iscor’s Donkerhoek quarry.
Recognise anyone? This was the very first N2 quarry supervisor’s course intake in 1982.
This is a mobile plant on the Stocks & Stocks section of tollroad, producing high-quality washed concrete aggregates. The quantity produced was 600 000 t.
Index to advertisers Afrimat Management Services....17 Alco-Safe.................................6 ASPASA.................................29 Babcock................................IFC Barloworld Equipment...........39 Barloworld Power – Industrial....8 Barloworld Power – Rental......IBC Beowolf................................35 Doosan International................5 FLSmidth................................28 JCB Kemach..............................OFC Komatsu.......................................38 Liugong Machinery SA..........OBC Metso Crushing & Screening......24 MMD Mineral Sizing..............22 MynbouRigsAfrikat/aBelazAfrica.33 Weir Minerals Africa.................20
Monty Montgomery himself in 1980.
Eikenhof’s change house in the foreground. The readymixed concrete batching plant is to the left with the crusher bins on the right. When was this taken?
A 1,3 m x 1,1 m jaw crusher mounted on a chassis producing 500 tph of dolerite basecourse at Somerset East.
MODERN QUARRYING January - February 2016
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