Modern Quarrying January-February 2016
Africa. At CESA we are clear about our role as the voice of consulting engineering and being a trusted advisor to our clients. We know what we have to do. Going for- ward we will ensure that we, as consult- ing engineers, contribute towards South Africa’s social and economic growth.” CESA’s membership, currently rep- resenting 537 firms employing just over 24 366 staff, who collectively earn a total fee income of R23,4-billion/year, is well-positioned to respond to this challenge.
to play an active advocacy role in the larger built environment profession. CESA has to continue to identify corruption, blow the whistle and work with authori- ties towards eradicating it. “One of the strategic goals of our country is the economic transforma- tion of previous marginalised groups,” Pretorius says. “As consulting engineers, we practice in the construction sector that has the potential to significantly con- tribute towards the transformation and economic empowerment agenda of our country. CESA, as part of the construction sector, is currently involved in follow-up negotiations to update the scorecard. The transformation of business and our sector in particular, is of strategic impor- tance. Adherence to BBBEE is the way we do business in South Africa and CESA and its members are positioning themselves to meet this opportunity. “We need not view transformation, rightfully so or wrongfully so, as a loss of business but howwe do business in South
profession to assess its skills set and abil- ity to meet the challenging environment. In meeting the development chal- lenges of our country, Pretorius states that CESA has to partner with government and key industry roleplayers. ”Unlocking opportunities identified, requires us to partner with government as its trusted advisor. This is particularly relevant in developing an improved procurement environment for the consulting engineer- ing profession. “ CESA’s pa r t ne r sh i ps wi t h t he International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC ), as well as the regional block of the Southern African Development Communities and the rest of Africa, is of utmost importance to fur- ther ensure quality and uniformity in engineering consulting practice and cre- ating a conducive business environment for working within Africa. Although a sig- nificant emphasis is placed on partnering with government, CESA is the voice of consulting engineering and will continue
(CESA) president Lynne Pretorius.
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