Modern Quarrying July-August 2016
example, lower existing tensions among different racial and ethnic groups. It is fur- thermore suggested that mentorship pro- grammes are introduced for HDSAs that are structured, inclusive and unbiased. Results of the present research uncov- ered challenges that are often beyond the control of mining companies. Supporting findings from the DME (2009), it was found that tension exists between local and migrant labour. In terms of recruit- ment, it was found that applicants from local communities were often not willing to assume labour-intensive or lower skills jobs in mining. Appointment of migrant workers also created various social prob- lems that could increase tension in the workplace. The lack of skills comes frommatriculants who are ill-equipped to pursue mining qualifications at higher education institutions. Government cannot just regulate and monitor transformation progress, but should also be an effective agent of change by ensuring that schools are equipped with facilities and resources to function optimally.
required to create a supportive and car- ing working environment that embraces diversity and change. Human resource initiatives are thus required to empower employees to embrace change and diversity. Change and diversity programmes, could, for
It was furthermore found that initia- tives undertaken to create transformation mostly focused on recruitment, develop- ment, and retention of HDSAs. An area that seems to be neglected is the creation of a culture of inclusivity that focuses on the entire workforce. Inclusivity is
July - August 2016
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