scale, scope and complexity, what I consider to be
the fourth industrial revolution is unlike anything
humankind has experienced before.
‘Consider the unlimited possibilities of hav-
ing billions of people connected by mobile
devices, giving rise to unprecedented process-
ing power, storage capabilities and knowledge
access. Or think about the staggering confluence
of emerging technology breakthroughs, covering
wide-ranging fields such as artificial intelligence,
robotic, the internet of things, autonomous vehi-
cles, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology,
materials science, energy storage and quantum
computing, to name a few’.
And this is echoed by Aspasa member Andries
van Heerden, CEO of Afrimat: “Today business
is different to what it was yesterday. Just look at
how things have changed in our industry over the
last five years. For example, the local construction
industry was dominated by the Big Five; today, it
is completely the opposite. Though many of the
big construction contractors may talk tongue-in-
cheek about the small players, they have just been
blown out of the water with the exception of one
or two.”
Van Heerden continues: “The industry has
changed a lot. Tomorrow, it is going to be different
to what it is today. There are new factors driving
the economy and new things that are becoming
more important. It is all about strategic manage-
ment; looking at the current environment and
where we want to be; where the opportunities
The man at the helm of Aspasa, Nico
Pienaar (photo Dale Kelly).