Modern Quarrying October-November 2017
Bell and Lonagro team up Bell Equipment, as part of its group strategy to grow its independent dealer network in select markets, reports that Lonagro Mozambique has been appointed its exclusive dealer in Mozambique and Malawi. Explaining the rationale behind the company’s strategy and Lonagro’s appointment, Bell Equipment’s group marketing director, Stephen Jones, says: “Working through independent dealers has proven to be a model that allows us to provide better coverage and support to our customers in markets where areas are vast, and machine populations are low. In the equipment industry, infrastructure and investment are required to provide
dealers as part of a business improve- ment project launched early in the year,” continues Jones. “From the outset it became clear that a closer relationship with Lonagro would provide benefits for Bell, Lonagro and, most importantly, our Bell customers. Synergies are clear with regards to man- agement structures, scarce skills, logistics, facilities, and understanding customers. This gives Bell confidence that Lonagro, as a top performing John Deere dealer with a dynamic and motivated team, is well positioned to support our existing customers and grow the footprint of our machines in the region,” he says. The warehouse floor is an example of excellence in engineering design, inno- vation and precision; the entire floor is based on a post-tensioned cabling system that makes use of 132 km of steel cable. Construction on Phase 2 started in July 2017. Komatsu has, since the com- mencement of the project, become the owner of the land, and Investec Property remains the preferred developer for the entire project, which is estimated at over R1-billion. The new Phase 2 unit is expected to be fully operational by September 2018. Completion of the new Komatsu Campus in its entirety is sched- uled for 2021 to coincide with Komatsu’s 100 centenary celebrations. The 300 000 m² Komatsu Campus site is located in Tunney, Germiston, Gauteng.
support that is essential to users of this equipment. In our experience, synergies develop quickly with dealers that have complementary products that can help support the necessary infrastructure and better weather market cycles.” Lonagro is a division of Lonrho Group, which holds John Deere Agriculture deal- erships in a number of African countries. It has quickly made a name for itself in the highly-contested agriculture equipment market by displaying a willingness to invest and take a long-term view of the countries in which it operates as well as its equip- ment users and future opportunities. “We assessed a number of different business models as well as other potential
Next phase of Komatsu campus development Earthmoving equipment giant, Komatsu, has partnered with Investec Property to consolidate its head office operations, warehouse and distribution centres, workshops and remanufacturing facilities into one centralised campus. As the central hub from which construction and utility markets, not only in South Africa, but all of Southern Africa. The project will put Komatsu’s sales and service functions in an ideal position to capitalise on market resurgence opportu- nities within the short, medium and long term. At the same time, it will serve to improve further the extent of Komatsu’s field and technical service offerings.
Komatsu will direct its extensive oper- ations in Southern Africa, the owner- ship and development of this campus in Gauteng signals the company’s unwaver- ing commitment to doing business in the region. “Our head office and support opera- tions are currently conducted from three different locations, which presents some logistical challenges. By consolidating all functions into one single campus, our ability to provide effective and efficient customer service and support will be fur- ther enhanced – with sufficient space for future expansion,” says Mike Blom, MD of Komatsu Africa Holdings (Pty) Ltd. The requirements for the new Komatsu Campus are substantial and complex; the campus needs to have the space, technology and capabili- ties for Komatsu to serve the mining,
This first phase of development, a state-of-the-art Parts Distribution Centre measuring approximately 22 000 m 2 , was completed in just nine months. The warehouse has the largest floor without a join in the country, and stands 13 m from floor to eaves. As a result, semi-automated turrets operating within the warehouse retrieve items from the highest access points with an unprece- dented degree of accuracy and safety.
Measuring approximately 300 000 m 2 in size, the new Komatsu development will be one of the largest industrial campuses of its kind in the country.
MODERN QUARRYING October - November 2017
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