Modern Quarrying Q1 2022

ON PHOTO: HAVER BOECKER NIAGARA VIBRATING SCREEN Working with a thorough screening manufacturer maximises profits by effectively blending multiple types of screen media on a single deck.



It’s an industry thousands of years old, with the same materials and same uses today as then. Refining and producing aggregate dates to the Roman Empire, where it was used to establish a network of roads and massive aqueducts. While the purpose of aggregates remains relatively unchanged, manufacturers continue to innovate, developing methods of production the Romans would have only dreamed about. By Karen Thompson, president of Haver & Boecker Niagara’s North American and Australian Operation. B ut, just like the Romans, modern manufacturers continually seek ways to do things better and faster. Producers are striving to say goodbye to downtime and hello to new innovations. To get the most out of equipment and reduce downtime, consider a few key strategies: a vibration analysis system, a comprehensive service programme and proper screen selection and installation. Good vibrations To start, look for a vibration analysis system designed specif- ically for vibrating screens. This offers aggregate and mining operations a way to safely monitor their screens’ performance


To get the most out of screening equipment and reduce downtime, consider a few key strategies: a vibration analysis system, a comprehensive service programme and proper screen selection and installation

To start, look for a vibration analysis system designed specifically for vibrating screens. This offers aggregate and mining operations a way to safely monitor their screens’ performance in real time

Beyond real-time technology, partnering with a manufacturer ensures heightened equipment functionality through programmes such as screen installation, commissioning and operator training

Trained technicians optimise production and help each operation achieve its greatest efficiency and profit potential



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