Modern Quarrying Q2 2022

The PMB Quarry is located in the Msundizi Local Municipality which lies to the northeast of the city. It has settlements on three sides.


AfriSam’s Pietermaritzburg Quarry (PMB Quarry) provides a diverse portfolio of aggregate products that are suitable for readymix, asphalt, civils, road building and concrete product manufacturing in the construction sector. The operation’s material output is currently vital to key infrastructural improvements in the area which include the upgrades to the N3, municipal roads, and various building projects. Modern Quarrying visited the facility to learn about upgrades that will lead to optimised operations and the ability to step up production when the construction industry fully recovers. UPGRADES INCREASE QUARRY’S CAPACITY, EFFICIENCY AND AVAILABILITY

AfriSam in KwaZulu-Natal AfriSam is a supplier of superior quality construction materials and technical solutions optimis ing the use of cement, aggre gate and readymix concrete. For AfriSam, the aggregate and readymix markets in KwaZulu

plied readymix and other prod ucts to the Midlands Mall upgrade, the Brookside Mall and Southgate complex developments, housing in surrounding rural areas, the Durban University of Technology with its related student hous ing and various bridge projects.

Natal have done well from a volume perspective considering the volatility over the last three years. In addition to the infra structural national and munic ipal road projects that the PMB Quarry supplies with base and sub-base material, it has sup


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