Modern Quarrying Q3 2021

An aerial view of the Rooikraal Quarry pit.


A structure of concern for Rooikraal Quarry was an 88 kVA Eskom transformer located within 500 m of the pit. Currently, it’s within 260 m of the area being blasted. Other structures located within the 500 m vicinity are the operation’s offices. There are also a nearby community and chicken farmers in the vicinity, but these are located about 2 – 3 km from the pit. In 2018, the operation applied for permission to blast within 500 m of these structures, and became the first operation within the AfriSam Group to be granted a written approval by the principal inspector of mines. The application was supported by several mitigating factors that could allow the operation to blast safely within 500 m of facilities. Innovation in blast designs and stemming were central to mitigating the risks. “We started by altering our blast designs. Back in the day, we used to opt for 89 mm diameter holes, and then went up to 98 mm, before moving up to 102 mm and eventually 115 mm. Bigger holes allow us to increase our burden

AfriSam Rooikraal Quarry was the first within the AfriSam Group to acquire a licence to blast within 500 m of structures, in line with the requirements of Regulation 4.16(2) of the Mining Health and Safety Act’s Explosives Regulations of 2018

To further reduce the likelihood of stemming ejection and flyrock, the operation became one of the first in South Africa to adopt Varistem stemming plugs

Not only does the Varistem help reduce potential safety incidents such as flyrock and vibration, but it also improves blasting performance and decreases costs

There are several secondary cost savings which result from increased fragmentation – easier rock removal, reduced secondary breakage costs, increased truck capacity and less wear on crushing equipment – all of which contribute to the cost benefit



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