Modern Quarrying Q3 2022

CHRYSO’s Eco Dust range stabilises dust by forming a dust suppressing film over surfaces such as gravel roads.

requirements and do not stick to vehicle tyres. Does the use of these CHRYSO products assist with compliance to safety, environmental and health aspects? The eco-friendly, UV-resistant and VOC-free Eco Dust range is particu larly welcomed by mines and quar ries. These establishments need to comply with the increasingly strin gent health and safety and environ mental regulations all over Africa. There is a growing concern about the dust emissions generated during quarrying, mining and construction. In addition, the dust generated from traffic on gravel or dirt roads needs to be controlled on a continuous basis. Section 8 of the Occupational The CHRYSO Eco Dust range is a dust lubrication adhesive based on a blend of a natural polymer and aqueous dispersions.

CHRYSO Eco Dust can also be used to suppress dust on stock piles.

CHRYSO Dust Suppressants are both biodegradable and safe for the environment.

sustainability of water. In terms of the Eco Dust Range, each applica tion is assessed and a guideline is advised to the dilution rate. How competitive are the products? It is a competitive market. Most companies that do dust suppres sion sell it as an application ser vice to the market. CHRYSO only sells the product. The CHRYSO brand and reputation are sound in the South African market and this ensures trust in our products. Furthermore, CHRYSO has devel oped a simple calculator method to calculate costs and quantities per square metre. The product can also be supplied in small quanti ties to suit the clients’ needs. l

Health and Safety Act, Act No. 85 of 1993 places the onus on the employer to provide and maintain, as far as is reasonably practica ble, a working environment that is safe and without risk to the health of employees. How do the products enhance the use of water for dust suppression? Water is regarded as the cheapest treatment of dust. However, the frequent re-application of water proves this method to be the least effective and not so cost effective in the long run. With the scarcity of water, most industries have a responsibility to focus on changing their practices to more environ mentally friendly methods for the



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