Sparks Electrical News August 2018
service, to ensure the right product for the right environment.” Magnet’s teamof lighting specialists has extensive experience in identifying energy saving opportunities and implementing appropriate eco-friendly solutions to reduce wasted electricity in diverse industries. Apart from lighting solutions, Magnet’s energy saving service incorporates metering, hot water systems, air-conditioning controls and solar systems. The project management service has contributed significantly to the reduction of wasted energy in industrial and commercial sectors throughout South Africa.
functions and is supported by a five year guarantee. The linear LED luminaires are designed to easily clip onto a P2000 channel for a quick and effortless installation. All the installer then needs to do is connect the power supply. The modular design of the fittings facilitates the customisation of lengths, lumen output and wattages to suit every application. An extruded rail enables easy mounting and replacement of LED boards and an electronic driver, with adjustable output settings, ensures flicker-free operation. Rob Munro, Boxer’s project manager had this to say: “It’s a pleasure working with Magnet, they simplify the process of lighting design and provide quick and efficient service, and great after-sales
MAGNET recently completed an energy-saving lighting installation for the new Boxer Superstores distribution centre (DC) which opened in East Lon- don towards the end of 2017. “Following the success of Magnet’s lighting installation for Boxer Super- stores in over 80 stores nationwide since 2015, the Magnet team was awarded the contract to design and supply an energy-efficient lighting system for the new 16 000 m 2 Boxer distribution centre in East London,” explains Kaylen Reddy, Magnet’s lighting solutions engineer and MARS product specialist. “Magnet’s locally-manufactured MARS LED lighting system, which ensures maximum energy savings without compromising on lux levels, was selected for the project. “The MARS LED lighting range is based on advanced European technology and focuses on the principles of ‘Modular, Adaptable, Reconfigurable and Serviceable’ to spell out MARS. The efficient lighting system boasts key features that include
enhanced aesthetics, an L80B10 rating, extended lamp life of over 50 000 hours and based on an ambient temperature of 35 °C, to ensure safe use at this DC, which operates 24 hours a day. “Precise analysis and defined performance parameters during laboratory testing in the Energywise lighting laboratory at Magnet’s KwaZulu- Natal head offices, ensure the highest levels of accuracy in every aspect of lighting, including design and manufacture.” The luminaires, which have been developed for easy installation and simple retrofit projects, offer high quality, low glare light, available in different distributions, from 30°, 60° to 120°. This customisable range is also available with dimmable
Enquiries: +27 (0)31 274 1053
SHUTTLE LIGHTING has introduced new packaging for its 125 W, 250 W, 500 W and 800 W universal bell press dimmers. The packaging has a butterfly hang- hole to help expand shelf presence in limited spaces. Shuttle has printed instructions, wiring diagrams and certifications on the back of the bag for ease of use by electricians, who tended to overlook or misplace the instruction insert. The pouches are securely zip locked and can easily be resealed. “It is new packaging but the same excellent product,” says Shuttle Lighting. “The response has been extremely positive because this packaging meets the needs of our distributors, wholesalers and end customers in a practical and informative way.”
Enquiries: +27 (0)21 448 8229
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